Scientific discoveries testify to the existence of The Greatest Creator

From galaxies to atoms, earth to honeycombs, mankind to bacteria, everything in nature has a certain structure, everything is mathematics, everything is art, they can’t be formed by chance, there must be a creator behind them.

From the revolving of stars to the rotation of electrons, climatic cycles to insect activities, physiology to chemical reactions, everything is controlled by physical laws, or determined by chemical formulas, there must be a designer for them.

From many accurate prophecies for mankind in modern and ancient times, to numerous personal prophetic dreams and premonitions, they clearly and directly showed that every event of humanity and individuals is preplanned, there must be a planner above all lives.

A seed or fertilized egg came from inside a plant or an animal, contains all the information needed to produce a new life, such as the structures, cells, tissues, organs, systems, processes of growth, physiological functions, etc. If they were not embedded in the genes of the original life of each kind by The Greatest Creator, how can they “know” the innumerable details and the countless relative processing methods to reproduce themselves? Is there any possibility to correctly and completely know these by themselves? Even with the advanced technologies nowadays, mankind can’t master all the secrets of an ant and produce one from molecules yet.

Furthermore, if without the knowledge of the laws and secrets of nature and the methods to deal with and utilize them:

How can an embryo overcome the influences of gravity, motion, inertia, heat, light, reaction, and other various forces and influences, to make sure everything runs right?

How can eyes form visions from a given frequency range of electromagnetic wave?

How can ears hear and recognize the world through the complex sound waves in the air?

How can lives sense the cold, heat, pain, itch, soft, hard, sweet, salt, sour, spicy, and bitter?

How can lives resist against and then recovery from the ordinary diseases by themselves?

How can we get an incomparable pleasure with sexual organs?


Aren’t these abilities and their reproduction were implanted in the earliest life for each kind by the Greatest Creator?

In fact, the evidences to testify the existence of the Greatest Creator are everywhere in the universe, and numerous people have found them, above are just some of my personal insights to set the ball rolling.

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