Values and Views (301 – 400)

301. Order, is essential for high efficiency; disorder, only creates busyness, tiredness, and low performance.

302. Whoever proposes must take charge. Whoever takes charge will bear all the consequences.

303. Heartily speak kind words, as good weather will benefit the growth of crops, sugared words will nourish the emotions and relationships.

304. That which cannot be solved by conventional thinking can be solved by unconventional thinking, therefore often try to reverse the perspective to look at the problems.

305. Pursue the possess, you will have nothing, if pursue emptiness, you will have everything.

306. Gaining is losing; losing is gaining. The more you gain, the more you will lose; the less you gain, the less you will lose. Not lose, not gain; not gain, not lose.

307. Birth and death are rooted in each other, when there is a birth, there is a death; when there is a death, there is a birth.

308. Death is not the end of LIFE.

309. If existence determines consciousness, then we will only have earth; if consciousness determines existence, then we will have 36 dimensions(spaces).

310. The thought of existence determines consciousness is conventional thinking; the thought of consciousness determines existence is unconventional thinking. Beautiful futures belong to those who have unconventional thinkings.

311. One plus one is two, that is an increase of quantity, if one plus one remains one, it is an increase of energy. Saints always embrace One as the mode.

312. “1 + (-1) = 1” is a key to know the mysteries of universe.

313. Dedicate to one thing, as long as you do it deeply, carefully, thoroughly, and completely, you will get all you need from it.

314. Consistent rubbing saws off a wood, constant dropping wears the stone, the followers should persist in cultivating. Melons’ pedicels fall when their fruits are ripe, channel forms if water always flow through, the followers who see the truth will be complete free eventually.

315. Thinking is a kind of supernatural power. Supernatural power is a kind of thinking information waves that contol the lower level of thinking.

316. Our thinking is more or less confined by some higher thinking.

317. All rules, regulations, concepts, ethics and behavioral norms, authoritative theories and sermons, religious regulations and rituals, scientific theories and methods, and exemplary models and habits are all the supernatural powers that constrain human thinking.

318. All laws are convenient laws and timely laws, not constant laws, once any cognition becomes fixed, it will attend to one thing and lose another, to be an obstacle in thinking

319. Living according to values and views, doing in accordance with the procedures, this is the guarantee for long-term existence and continuing perfection.

320. Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

321. If a man pays back evil for good, calamity will never leave his house.

322. Forgive another’s faults is to glorify yourself.

323. It is honorable to keep away from strife, the foolish people love to struggle and expose others’ defects to highlight their “cleverness”.

324. Avoid the banquets of evil people, once you accept their smiles and offers of food and drink, you will have to be involved with them in the future.

325. Give up your self, you can have self, remain your self, you will lose it.

326. Dharma has no fixed dharma, no dharma is Buddhadharma; phenomena has no settled phenomenon, no phenomenon is phenomena.

327. Flunkies sacrifice themselves for profits, literati sacrifice themselves for fame, scientists sacrifice themselves for knowledge, true men sacrifice themselves for meritorious service, ordinary people sacrifice themselves for family, politicians sacrifice themselves for the state, saints sacrifice themselves for the world, and celestial people sacrifice themselves for Tao.

328. The road is very even, but the people often choose shortcuts. Quick successes and instant benefits always lead to trouble.

329. Of all life’s relationships, the most difficult to deal with is the one between husband and wife.

330. Within the same time, the closer to the centre, the smaller the spaces, and the more easiness; the farther from the center, the greater the spaces, and the more tiredness.

331. How big the heart is, how vast the universe will be; how deep the thinking is, how wide the space for your LIFE is.

332. The nature will not change if the structure doesn’t change. Energy not change structures.

333. The universe does not discriminate people’s good and evil, as long as you visualize or pray in you mind, the universe will use all means to help you realize your wishes, with the fastest speed and the principle of least resistance.

334. Extravagance and waste are a kind of crimes.

335. When using toilet seat, man should not stand to pee.

336. Nothing but the soulmate is difficult to meet in one’s life, we can’t see him in living, but in the endeavouring to our lofty ideals we can find the real soulmate.

337. A person without spiritual sense only desires to take, they don’t like to return, more than that, they will corrupt their surrounding environments like viruses.

338. The purpose of humanity is to serve The Greatest Creator, just like the purpose of grasses is to serve humanity.

339. The develpoment of human society has become more and more complicated, vulgar, and snobbish, it actually has deviated from the Tao. Depart from the will of The Greatest Creator, it will not only lose its beauty, but everything.

340. The most suitable environment for one’s survival is the Garden of Eden.

341. To get a perfect life, one must concentrate his efforts in his inside. Do not try to change others and the world, but change yourself first, as you have changed, so too the people and the world around you shall change.

342. It is better to deal with one’s garbage by oneself. No matter material garbage, mental garbage, or spiritual garbage, the less garbage he make, the more civilized he is.

343. Lower level LIVES serve higher ones, and all LIVES serve The Greatest Creator.

344. There are 36 Mazes in the universe, and innumerable traps for LIVES, one can only get the freedom of LIVE after escaped from these traps.

345. Constantly die, constantly be born, the meanings of LIFE is in it. Constantly destroy, constantly create, the significance of life is there.

346. The way to enter a more beautiful LIFE space is to pay off your debts, end your ties, accumulate merits in heaven, and perfect your LIFE structure.

347. The most wonderful experience of LIFE is when your consciousness is in the “Zero state”, because in that you can feel everything.

348. A LIFE that close to death is stiff, a LIFE full of vitality is tender.

349. Be kind to all living beings and they will be kind to us.

350. Nothing is worth maintaining with the cost of LIFE; everything is a flash in the pan, is the floating smoke and passing clouds.

351. The most loft and great thing in life is to discover LIFE! The most significant thing in life is to research LIFE! The most cheerful thing in life is to revere LIFE! The most peaceful thing in life is to march forward along the path of LIFE!

352. The human body is immune to all diseases, most of them invade us quietly and then disappear unawares, we can ignore them totally, but once you take them seriously, they will entangle with you to the end.

353. The selfless people belong to the Heaven, the selfish people belong to the human world, the most selfish people belong to the hell.

354. From LIFE’s perspective, there is no boundary between illusion and reality.

355. Whenever one is indecisive and stuck in dilemmas, it is better to follow your heart’s deepest inner drive rather than analyses.

356. Do not conclude that something does not exist just because you cannot see them, the higher something’s vibrating frequency is, the less visible it is.

357. LIFE is a nonmaterial structure with spiritual features.

358. Human is made of material flesh and the spiritual soul, the flesh is the carrier of LIFE, it will die, but the spirit will continue to exist.

359. The quality of a LIFE lies in its structure, the more perfect it is, the higher the quality, the better the living space, and the greater freedom he has.

360. The best home for LIVES is the back garden of The Greatest Creator – the Celestial Islands Continent.

361. The purpose of LIFE’s transition and transmigration is to maintain the universal ethics and the dynamic balance of the universal LIVES.

362. The law of universal gravitation of LIFE: in universe there is mutual gravity among LIVES that have predestined relationship, this force is directly proportional to the debts that each owes the other, but is in inverse ratio with the amount of favors that each has done for the other.

363. If one leaves with an unfulfilled wish in heart, then he will return to the human world in the next life.

364. An outline of criteria and revelations of the transmigration of LIFE:
1) People of greatest love will become Super Celestial Beings
2) People of greatest good will become Buddhas
3) People of greatest joy will become Free Celestial Beings
4) People of greatest health will become Land Celestial Beings
5) People of greatest kindness will become Human Celestial Beings
6) People of fulfilling loyalty will return to earth with nobility
7) People of fulfilling filial duty will return to earth with happiness
8) People of impartial minds will return to be a normal person
9) People of building up virtues will return to be wealthy
10) People of muddle-headed and confused minds will fall to the Animal World
11) People of cold and detached minds will degrade to the Plant World
12) People of maliciousness will sink into the Terrifying World
13) People of lording over and bullying others will be put into the Freezing Black Holes
14) People of Cruelty will be punished in the Fire Burning Black Holes

365. Hell is a general term for the Fire Burning Black Holes, the Freezing Black Holes, and the Terrifying World. A LIFE in hell generally will not directly transmigrated into the human world. Insects and many plants belong to another reincarnation system of LIFE, and generally not transmigrate as humans.

366. The higher the LIFE level is, the fewer conflicts with surroundings; the lower the LIFE level is, the more conflicts with surroundings.

367. The core element of high level LIFE’s consciousnesses is love, the higher the level is, the more love is in their consciousnesses, the lower the level is, the less love is in their consciousnesses.

368. Gods and Super Celestial Beings are LIVES created by The Greatest Creator Himself. Other LIVES are designed by The Greatest Creator and manufactured by Super Celestial Beings under the gods’ leadership.

369. The theory of evolution “The law of the jungle” and “The survival of the fittest” are portrays of the animal world, the real people do not agree with it.

370. Organ transplantation is not a good thing, its disadvantages outweigh its advantages.

371. Genetic engineering is extremely dangerous because it is likely to create monsters and demons.

372. Biological robots will emerge eventually, they will bring blessings to some people but misfortunes to others.

373. There is reincarnation of LIVE, humans can ascend to be celestial beings, but may also degrade to be animals as well.

374. There are eight master keys of LIFE, to get them, one must build his merits and virtues.

375. What not exist in consciousness does not exist in LIFE, therefore, make the best use of time to expand your space of LIFE, do not look back too much for a flash in the pan, do not be reluctant to leave the Human World, acquaint yourself with your yearing place as much as possible, be a sensible person.

376. The nature of LIFE is soul, the nature of soul is consciousness, so consciousness is LIFE.

377. The simpler the things is, the more attention should be paid to them. The closer the people to us, the more they form the joys and sorrows of our lives.

378. How can a LIFE achieve eternal bliss? The answer is : only to be in a state of self-sufficient.

379. Freedom symbolizes heaven, control means hell.

380. We must make full use of our bodies, If not, we are rebelling against The Greatest Creator. For those we don’t have on our bodies, should not seek for, if yes, that is doing the evil thing.

381. Root in wherever you live, treat that place as your home, protect its environment, and create every beauty there.

382. Freedom is supreme and priceless, it is the feature of LIVES in heaven. The degree of freedom demonstrates the level of a LIFE. The greater the degree of freedom is, the closer to heaven that LIFE is; the smaller the degree of freedom is, the closer to hell he is.

383. The lack of freedom for individual is made by himself, the non-freedom of a whole is caused by collective. If a person want to get freedom from a not free group, the only way is — escaping! Find a free place to go, if cannot find a free place on Earth, then flee to heaven.

384. Do not sympathize or commiserate with the weak, they are like parasites. Once you are tangled with them, your blood will be drunk up, and your life will eventually succumb to a tragic end. Who are the weak? The sick, disabled, ill, and poor are not, but those who constantly syphon your energy are.

385. When many people’s consciousness resonate in common, they live in the same world. Heaven and hell are the real worlds created by the people whose consciousness resonate in common, just like everything on Earth is created by the “people” who have been on the Earth.

386. All changes in the universe have reasons. All qualitative changes are the results of quantitative changes, there will be no qualitative change without the accumulation of quantitative changes. When quantitative change reaches the limit, they will inevitably cause qualitative leaps.

387. As long as we treat everyone and everything objectively and fairly, then we will not waste time on hating or avenging, but concentrate on our own futures and lifting ourselves.

388. What kinds of faith will lead to what kinds of spiritual states and thus mental activities. What kinds of mental activities will lead to what kinds of words and actions. What kinds of words and actions will lead to what kinds of results and ways of life. Faith is the navigator of life; different faiths will achieve different lives. What kind of faiths will lead to what kind of lives.

389. Arrogance comes from ignorance, this is the touchstone for testing whether one’s inside is rich or not.

390. Characters are what one inherits from their past life, definitely are not inherited from one’s parents. Characters will determine a person’s overall development direction. Characters are nature, the original features, which are the potential energy of consciousness that one hardly can handle or control by oneself, that is so called “leopard cannot change his spots”. Your characters decides what kind of life you will achieve.

391. The more marvelous a way is, the easier it is to practice, tricks and shortcuts are not simple and easy ways.

392. If not discard the human consciousness, then cannot attain the nature of celestial beings, if not abandon the human world, then cannot ascend to heaven.

393. If not close the current door, then another nine doors will not open to you; if remain to one love, then will not be able to embrace another true love; if you not discard the burden, then not be able to go more far away; if you not transform the conventional consciousness, then will not see the light at the end of the tunnel.

394. Let yesterday’s I die, embrace today’s I! Let today’s I die, embrace tomorrow’s I!

395. Do what you want without breaking the rules, be free and not perverse.

396. Are there any unfair phenomena in human society? No, not at all! Everything is a fair adjudication under the mechanism of cause and effect; everything is the fairest arrangement of the rewards and punishments of Tao.

397. Everyone has his own LIFE path, everything is destined. It seems on the surface that might have been wronged, but actually are all resulted from own unseen thoughts and behaviors.

398. Die, should die in a clear heart, must not have regrets at the end. We can’t come to this world with a vain life. While alive on earth, what is important, what is unimportant, and the priorities of life should be sorted out. Otherwise it will be too late for us to repent.

399. Not sticking to the past, create your future rather than dwelling upon your past. The universe is boundless, time and space are endless, the future of LIFE is endless, LIFE always proceeds, the scenery ahead is unknown and unprecedented. No matter how wonderful our current environment might be, we still need to open up the virgin land, to explore the new way, to enter the new realms. Because joy is in the creating, not in the consuming; happiness is in the devoting, not in the gaining; freedom is in continually discarding, not in maintaining the past.

400. Once stop marching forward, you will inevitably move toward dispiritedness and depravity; once unwilling to discard all the possessions, you will inevitably slip towards selfishness and greed; once cling to the ancient ways and bygone values, you will never have the chance to see the incomparable new phenomena and scenes.

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