Values and Views (601 – 700)

601. Get married is bit at a bait. It is to be duped by the patriarchal rulers, to be tricked by the autocratic governors, to be deceived by demons.

602. Marriage certificate is a contract to sell one’s body and protected by laws. Once own this contract, the most freedom of life is sunk.

603. Chinese characters were created by gods. Let us look at the character “婚”(marriage), what does it mean? 女 means woman, 昏 means bewildered, so, “婚” means woman lost her head, woman get marry when she is confused, and that man unite with woman who are infatuated, is called “结婚” (get married).

604. Of all the orders established by people, marriage and family order is the worst, this order is only to the benefit of governing, no other benefit.

605. Secular relatives is the pushing force to hell, and the pulling force against heaven, therefore, Jesus Christ said a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.

606. The traditional marriage and family has done people great harm. Of all the relationships between people, the one between couples is the most difficult to maintain, the most unfortunate, the most upsetting, the most emotionally destructive, and the most restricting relationship. This has been proven repeatedly by the facts through thousands of years. Hence, penetrated it early, and free yourself from the traditional marriage and family at an early date, this is equivalent to swim out of the abyss of misery, and reach the shore of freedom.

607. The traditional family life routine is the cesspool of afflictions of individuals and humanity. Marriage and family is the boundless abysses of misery.

608. Families are prisons of souls, shackles harnessed on human beings, the root that leads people towards narrowness, selfishness, greed, are barriers that fetter people from liberating their nature and having freedom, and the greatest obstacles to realize beautiful lives, and stumbling blocks that prevent people from advancing toward higher levels of LIFE spaces.

609. All of the contradictions, conflicts, and disasters occurring in the traditional families are not problems of parents, children, husbands, wives, any sisters or brothers, but the problems of family life routine, this routine carries spiritual viruses, no matter how civilized people might be, once they enter the family routine, they cannot help being infected by them and then lost freedom.

610. It is unnecessary for lovers to get marry. If yearn for a long relationship, do not be together day and night.

611. If you have and love the traditional family, and cannot walk out it, then no matter how you cultivate your self and what way you take, even if you have broke your head on the way, you are wide of the mark, you can never enter heaven.

612. The abysses of misery is boundless, repent to be saved. What is the abysses of misery? Marriage and family is! It is the root of all distresses. People’s annoyances, tortures, sentimentalities, anxieties, and worries all originate from it. “The abysses of misery are boundless, return to the right track and you will see the shore.” Where is the shore? The shore is the The Second Home (alias New Oasis for Life ) created by Lifechanyuan. This home don’t have marriages and families, it is an ideal lifestyle, and is the only hope for humanity to escape from sufferings and afflictions.

613. Tackle the root of problems. The root cause for the sufferings and afflictions of the masses is the existence of family. The existence of family is like the existence of garbage, if the garbage is not cleaned up, then the flies cannot be eliminated. Without the disappearance of family, the miseries and afflictions of the masses will not end. To be busy with relieving people’s endless miseries and sufferings on surface rather than tackling the root, it is like trying to stop the water from boiling by scooping it up, but not turning the fire off, is like cutting the branches off thistles and thorns rather than digging up their roots. Wherever the family exists, there has endless miseries and sufferings. If we do not tackle the root, even the Buddha, Jesus Christ, and Bodhisattva Guan Yin in the world can not help. If there were families exist in heaven, then heaven would change into an abyss of misery.

614. Marriage and family is the cradle of demons, once the angels enter the marriage and family then they will become demons, once human beings given in marriage and family will be easily prone to commit crimes.

615. Families are not the cells of society, the cells of society are individual people, NOT families. The essence of society is people, NOT relations of production. Families are only one relationship for production and only the cells of certain social formations and production relations, but not the cells of society. The best societies have no families.

616. Difficulties and hardships never crush people, only the invisible pressures and crippling of marriage and family affections make one break down, make one felt that life is meaningless, make one lost confidence in life.

617. Marriage and family is the hotbed and soil to generate selfishness, is the source of troubles and miseries, is also the causes to force people to commit crimes.

618. The human world is human world is because of the existence of couples. Couple marked the possessing of each other, occupying of each other, depending on each other, hampering each other, and formed a kind of shield against the outside world. No one in the couple can be unselfish, none of them be able to reach heaven.

619. The most complex and nerve-wracking relationship in the world is couple, the saddest and most disappointing relationship is couple, and the most desired and hopeless relationship is couple. This relationship is not to be soft nor hard, not to be far nor near, not to be strong nor weak, can’t escape from nor approach, is like silk, like thread, like fire, and like ice, is intertwined, mixed, indescribable, and indistinct.

620. Marriage is the tomb of love, family is the source of humanity’s sins. A man, once involved in marriage, then lost his freedom. A man, once had a family, then became self-interested. Marriage and family have generated boundless miseries, marriage and family is the abysses of misery.

621. Disintegrating families, establishing “Xuefeng-style communism” big family is the only way for new era human beings to advance.

622. Escaping from family is not escaping from relatives. It is escaping from the traditional life styles and entering a new one, it is absolutely neither abandoning one’s duties and obligations nor disregarding one’s relatives.

623. Traditional family is rootedness, family consciousnesses have infiltrated into everyone’s blood, cells, and souls, traditional family is like a huge iceberg which have grown for thousands of years, it will not disappear in one day. However, mankind has come to the crossroad of the times, if the most majority of human beings have realized the disadvantages of traditional family and and actively take part in the work of melting the iceberg, then mankind is hopeful, and The Greatest Creator will show appreciation for us and give us a way out, the vicious cycle can be reversed, will have some one to lead mankind advance to a happy era. But if the most majority don’t do the work of melting the iceberg, on the contrary they are maintaining the trational family, then the human beings have to suffer the punishments of the law of nature.

624. At all times and in all over the world, family tragedies have been performed constantly. From remote countryside to prosperous cities, from the illiterate to Nobel prize winners, from ordinary citizens to officials, businessmen, intellectuals, and celebrities, everywhere is the presentation of tragedies made by the family. Facts speak more loudly than words, mankind should profoundly ponder upon, discuss, and improve the family lifestyle.

625. Is there any better lifestyle after broke the marriage and family? Yes! Lifechanyuan has been practising a new production and life mode since 2009, that is “The 2nd Home”, now called “New Oasis for Life”. The 8 year practice with more than 180 members early and late, proved that The 2nd Home is superior to traditional ones. (For details, please visit (cn) or (en) )

626. The Second Home is a new lifestyle created by Lifechanyuan and has been proven to be successful in practice.

627. The general principle of The Second Home is: unify and merge all kinds of teachings into one teachings, unify the earth with this “800 Values and Views for New Era Human Beings”, lead the mankind into a new era that there is no countries, no religions, no political parties, no marriages and families, no couples, and “all the persons of virtue and talents won’t be left out, the whole earth will be like an one big family”, “no one will keep the lost articles on the roadside, no house will need to be locked at night”, all beings live harmoniously, the weather is good, and everyone live a happy, joyful, free and satisfied life.

628. The characteristics of The Second Home is as below:
1) Walk on the way of The Greatest Creator, implement the hoondoon management;
2) Possess nothing yet own and share everything;
3) Each works according to his ability, each takes according to his need;
4) No marriages or families;
5) The elderly are well taken care of, and the children are well educated;
6) Keep away from politics and religions;
7) Everyone take part in labor, regardless of their backgrounds;
8) Be flexible and harmonious, vary endlessly

629. The Second Home mainly consists of people who are unwilling to marry and establish family, who were divorced and don’t want remarry, and the couples who are both Chanyuan Grasses. This new lifestyle mainly copied from the lifestyle of Human Celestial Beings in Thousand-year World. The main content includes:
1) Implement Non-ownership, each possesses nothing yet can share everything.
2) No marriages, no families, no distinction of close or distant; the relationships between us are sisters, brothers, relatives, or lovers.
3) Everyone works according to his ability, and takes by need.
4) Everyone’s food, clothing, shelter, transportation, birth, aging, illness, and death, and the rearing and educating of children, the nursing and supporting of the elderly, are all in the charge of The Second Home.
5) Everyone choose a job according to his skills and interest, and should do his best and target to first rate. The lazybones or parasites absolutely are not allowed in The Second Home.
6) Each has a sacred free space — a bedroom, it is free from disturbance and interference, no one is allowed to intrude into under any pretense or with any excuse. The other spaces are all public.
7) Let everyone has a happy, joyous, free, and blessed life.
8) Individuality shall blend with commonness; commonness shall accommodate individuality. There shall be both uniform will and personally comfortable mood. Implement the policy that “eight immortals crossed the sea, each showed his own magic”. It is an integral whole composed of independent pleasure grounds.
9) Implement hoondoon management: no managing is the best management, no officers, no offices, the operation is done by everyone’s initiative, is maintained with the “800 values for New Era Human Beings”.

630. The Second Home bombards the traditional marriage and family. The traditional marriage and family is a kind of living program which is infected with viruses. These viruses will encroach upon the sincerity, kindness, beauty, love, faith, and honesty in human nature, and drag the original happy, joyous, free, and blessed lives into abyss of suffering, anxiety, enslavement, and desperation, step by step. To disband it and replace it with a brand-new lifestyle is an important matter that concerns every person’s happiness. Leaving traditional family to enter The Second Home seems to leave one small family and then enter another bigger one, but the content of life is totally different, what the traditional family can do, The Second Home can do, what the tradional family can’t do, The Second Home still can do it.

631. The Second Home is the number one home in the world. A joyful and auspicious place is the place that has the grace of The Greatest Creator; a happy and delightful place is the place that was taken care of by Jesus Christ and Buddha Sakyamuni; a free and satisfied place is the place in which the dreams of the sages and saints of past generations are realized. This No.1 home was born for the grand cosmic adjustment for LIVES, it serves for the purification of the Earth, and lays foundation for the new era of humanity. hope the virtuous people in the world can find the gate to the No.1 home and become a member of it early, this is the most important of all issues for you to address. It is time to redefine the kinship of traditional relationships based on blood, that all those who do the will of The Greatest Creator are our relatives, those whose souls resonate with ours are our relatives.

632. In order to realize the ideals of sages and saints as well as the wishes of the broad masses, and to set a good example for mankind, Lifechanyuan has initiated an unprecedented model of new life style for humanity’s future – The Second Home. This is no longer idle theorizing, but a reality. The Second Home is a copy of the Thousand-year World in human world, it is the base of self-cultivation for Chanyuan Grasses to thoroughly remould themselves to achieve Super Celestial Beings, and is the transfer station from the human world to heaven. The Second Home is exploring a new pattern of life for humanity. We firmly believe that when everyone lives according to the life pattern of The Second Home, the tribulations will be alleviated, each one’s sufferings will be eased, the nature’s deterioration will be restrained, the humanity will certainly entere into a new Era that last for a millenium. The Second Home has solved the problem have been with us for thousands of years — that all the elderly are well taken care of. By consolidating and improving continuously, the Second Home will not only become a paradise for children, young people, middle-aged people, but also for the elderly.

633. All members of The Second Home are rotated around to a new location every three years. That is, after working and living in a certain branch for three years, then live and work in another one, members will flow around the world.

634. During living and working in The Second Home, any one who was found to have intentionally caused others mental, spiritual, or physical harm, weill be expelled. Any member living and working in the New Oasis for Life shall be expelled from the homestead immediately if they are found to have intentionally caused physical, psychological, or spiritual harm to any other member.

635. Laziness is the archenemy of The Second Home. Diligence symbolizes beauty, while laziness represent ugliness; diligence leads to bright futures, while laziness ruins the blessings. Laziness can destroy everything, it can make people sink into depravity, can corrupt and erode people’s will, mentality, spirit, and flesh; it can cause the collapse of diligent collectives, it will destroy the mental health of communities as virus, and eventually makes everything listless, spiritless, gloomy, decaying, and destroyed.

636. Laborers have the most beautiful spirit, although they may not be able to compose articles of great literary talent and wisdom, although they may lack the skills for debate, although they are not clever enough to exhibit their intelligence, although they may be extremely ordinary, although they may not be able to explain the Buddha dharma and Tao, although they may not be able to recite and quote phrases and sentences in the classics, but their souls are the most beautiful, their behaviors themselves have proved that they have abided by the teachings of Jesus, Sakyamuni, Lao Tzu, and sages and saints.

637. All members in The Second Home don’t celebrate birthdays.

638. Excluding celebrating the nature holidays, all other holidays will not be glorified in The Second Home.

639. The Second Home implements hoondoon management pattern. Hoondoon management is no managing, everyone is master, everyone is servant. Only the division of labour is different, no leader – follower relations, no one is allowed to impose their will on others. Everyone does his best to bloom the qualities of sincerity, kindness, beauty, love, faith, and honesty. Everyone says his own words, does his own work, takes charge of his own responsibility, builds his own path. Don’t worry about others, don’t pay attention to other people’s business, only be responsible to himself and to The Greatest Creator, not too anyone else. Don’t help others if no request, but will do immediately if ask for. Who suggest who take the responsibility. Everyone build a sacred court in his own conscience, and judge himself.

640. The most significant mark of The Second Home distinguishes it from the secular society and other communities is: there are no marriages and families, no fixed reliant object(s) on affectionate and sexual lives, but be happy-go-luck, associate with others by following the predestined relationship, do in accordance with nature, and take advantage of opportunity as they arise.

641. The Second Home is not a shelter. Anyone who intends to escape from secular debts, obligations, bonds, badgering, or punishments, can’t live in The Second Home.

642. The Second Homeis not a charity.

643. The Second Home is a paradise consists of the most civilized, diligent, kindhearted, and selfless people.

644. The policy of affectionate love and sexual love in The Second Home: Affectionate love is a precious gift endowed by The Greatest Creator, sexual love is the inevitable path to sublimate human nature to leave for the high-level space of LIFE. Affectionate love and sexual love are two souls dancing in the same frequency, as long as both parties desire each other, they can do whatever they like, nobody supervise, interfere, bother, or gossips backsides. Do never possess, occupy, or be jealous of each other, freedom is above all, fully respect for each other’s freedom. Do not make any even slightest harm or force mentally, spiritually, and physically.

645. The Second Home has eight benefits:
1) Has living guarantee, no longer need to worry about food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, will be well taken care of when sick, has someone to make the funeral arrangements after death.
2) From now on, only live for values and faith, is away from the secular world, no longer suffer from the livelihood.
3) Don’t have the restraining of family, freer flesh, heart and spirit, nobody will watch you, bother you, or tangle with you, and no longer worrry about and be anxious for the kids.
4) Regardless of how you might change, you will always find someone whose personality and emotion fit yours, then work, chat, and play together.
5) As the division of labor is clear-cut, and each person is charged with one thing, so you will have a great amount of free time, in which you can do what you want and read what you like.
6) There are endless entertainments and games in The Second Home, no longer has the feeling of lonely, solitary, and boring.
7) With the help of collective energy, can achieve Tao fast, liberate yourself from the reincarnation, leave for heaven.
8) Call overcome all the hardships with the help of collective energy.

646. In The Second Home, there are no rules or regulations , no leadership roles in traditional sense, nothing but the different divisions of labour. There are no leader – follower relations, everyone is the master of the homestead, and everyone carry out his corresponding responsibilities and obligations. All affairs should be handled timely, naturally, flexibly, in accordance with the principles that “Buddha has no fixed rules, is ever-changing” and “Keep the faith and purpose, change the others according to the situation”. Everyone can do whatever they like as long as in accordance with the original nature of reality, kindness, beauty, love, faith, and honesty.

647. The Second Home does not practice democracy, but rather superman philosophy, that is: all the affairs are divided into everyone’s hand, each person has the final say over his own responsibility. In other words, who take the responsibility who call the shots, who take responsibility who bear all the consequences.

648. The Second Home is not an organization in any form, neither a political one nor a religious one. It is a loosely unified utopian group which consists of people who have resonance of conscienousness, who are willing to produce and live together according to the “800 Values and Views for the New Era Human Beings”. It has no any organizational forms, neither does it have any power to legislate beyond the Charter of the United Nations, the convention, constitution, or laws, nor does it have any power to represent organizations of any level of government to deal with contradictions, conflicts, violations of laws, and disciplines.

649. The Second Home is not a promiscuous placem rather, it is a highly-civilized place where people and people, people and society, people and nature live in harmony.

650. The Second Home opposes psychic activities, mantras chanting, and fortune telling, opposes the use of supernatural powers, spells, witchcrafts, and extra functions, opposes members to pray collectively and simultaneously on behalf of individuals, opposes to hold unified meditation activities against some one.

651. No political or religious ceremonies are allowed in The Second Home.

652. The Second Home don’t build any temples and churches, don’t hang any portraits of gods, buddhas, celestial beings, and saints, don’t engage in any form of personality cult activities, don’t allow to have any sneaky, furtive, weird, and incomprehensible activities.

653. The procedure to enter and live in The Second Home is: first learn and understand the”800 values and views for new era human beings”; then communicate with other members on our website for half a year, if you are satisified then could submit an application; finally, if there isn’t any bond, tie, and concern to secular society, now you can enter and live in The Second Home.

654. The individual workshop production mode will inevitably be sifted out, and replaced with the streamline production mode. Individual workshop style family life will inevitably be sifted out and replaced with the streamline style The Second Home life, this is historically inevitable. In other words, whether you like it or not, the traditional family lifestyle will inevitably be replaced by The Second Home mode life, the traditional small family order will be seen as an ignorant and backward lifestyle to be swept into the garbage bin of history.

655. Collective lives are superior to individual ones. Collective life is the best place for self-improving and self-refining, if we cannot or unable blend into collective life, not go through the edification and smelting of collective life, then we will never be able to enter heaven.

656. To scale the highest realm of life and LIFE, we must be determined to blend ourselves into collective lives, because without going through collective life, our dreams and ideals cannot be realized. Thus far, mankind has never experienced real collective lives, a group of people simply working together cannot be counted as a real collective life. Only live in a group that there is no private property, no private ownership, no marriage and family, and all the members’ food, clothing, shelter, transportation, birth, aging, illness, and death are all included as public interests, and then everyone work, live, play together, and share all the blessings and woes, thus live in a collective life. Once there is any differences between individuals in terms of status, life, and enjoyment, means a departure from the tenet of collective life.

657. An excellently ideal group is made up of excellent individuals, without excellent individuals, the so-called ideal group is only a castle in the air, it will never be realized.

658. Consciousness determines existence, what kind of the consciousness is, then what kind of the life form will be, and what kind of the lifestyle and living environment will has.

659. Three cobblers can never match one Zhuge Liang, the thinkings of millions of ordinary people can never be equal to the foresight and sagacity of a saint’s thinking, democracy will always be the pursuit of mediocrities, and the magical weapon to be conservative, and the hidden weapon to strangle saints.

660. Consciousnesses are regional, consciousnesses like the familiar environments, consciousnesses will feel uncomfortable in unacquainted environments, so, they usually be born again in familiar environments. Hence, if yearn for a place, should first familiariza yourself with that place.

661. Consciousnesses originate from structures, and act on structures in return. Energy is neutral, it comes and goes with the changing of structures. Consciousnesses come from nonmaterial structures, what kind of nonmaterial structure is, what kind of consciousness come out.

662. The ultimate goal of life is not to move toward death, but toward another world, just like the ultimate goal of a foetus is not to grow in the womb, but to come to the human world. Human society is like a big womb, one must pass through the passageway which appears to be “death” to go to another world. Therefore, death is not the end, it is the beginning of another journey of LIFE.

663. Do not learn too many skills, one professional skill is enough. Even without professional skill, one can live easily if has a kind of virtue such, as honesty, diligent, kindness, nature, credibility, or sincerity. Life is short, why make yourself so busy and tired.

664. Looking at the water, it takes the form of any container which holds it, it is round or square depending on its container. Human beings, have the same feature, what kind of general makes what kind of soldiers. What kind of the environment has what kind of people. One will know the tweets of birds if live on a mountain, know the characters of fishes if live beside the water. One will be red if stay with the red ones, be black if stay with the black guys. If often associate with saints, you will have agile thinking, sudden enlightenments, and be free from worldliness and vulgarity. If always get along with the vulgar people, then your thinking will be prejudiced and narrow, your personality will be aggressive, and your tastes will be low.

665. First ideas, then methods. When the thoughts change, everything will change accordingly. Get the concept firstly, then carry it out.

666. The highest level of thinking is hoondoon thinking, this is the thinking of The Greatest Creator, it is a thinking that unthinkable for the ordinary people, it can also be called the thinking of gods. Buddha Sakyamuni reached the level of no-form thinking, Lao Tzu reached the level of Taiji thinking, the thinking of celestial beings is visualizing thinking, Zhuge Liang, Einstein, and the like reached the associative thinking, artists like Beethoven reached the level of analogy thinking, the thinking of general public is matter thinking, religious people have the illusion thinking.

667. The biggest feature of illusion thinking is, every step is forward, but eventually return to the starting point; every word of every theory is right, is unimpeachable, but in the end weaves a big circle, and return to the starting point.

668. The long habits are easy to form mindsets, once the thinking is patterned, it is difficult to make a breakthrough. Everyone’s intellect is cloaked by a certain kind of invisible thinking meshes, everyone burdended a heavy cross, just not perceive it or can feel it but don’t have power and courage to break through it, seeing people around living in the same way, then with a peace of mind, be used to it, and endure it, never think the questions like “why is it this way?” or “can I not do it in this way?” , etc.

669. Must think unconventionally, or it is impossible to escape from the predestination, should be busy in the things the majority neglect, and neglect the things the majority are busy with, as the 98% ordinary people are performing life according to the destined programs, their life paths and LIFE lanes have already been programmed according to the plays in advance. If you want to escape from the domain of earth, want to jump out of the bondages of “Three Realms” and “Five Elements”, want to walk out the inevitability kingdom to enter the freedom kindgom, must not resonate with the thinkings and consciousnesses of the majority, must “do exactly the opposite”.

670. What is thought to be impossible with conventional thinking can be solved easily with unconventional thinking. Topology is a kind of unconventional thinking, it can shift positions of space, can make the inside and outside of closed spaces interconnected, it is difficult to distinguish between interiors and exteriors, just as with Mobius strip, it is hard to say what is the obverse side and what is the reverse side. Therefore, when we face psychological obstacles, spiritual depressions, difficult situations in life, must not consider that situation as hopeless one, as long as we make the unconventional thinkings, might the dense willow trees and bright flowers are just in front.

671. Unconventional thinking is a magical weapon for us to explore the profound mysteries of universe and discover the truths, is the best way to find the true meanings of life. As long as we proceed forward step by step, will eventually enter a vast world, at which time will be amazed to find the nature of the universe and the secrets of LIFE, will be thrilled to learn that a beautiful next life as a celestial being awaits us, will love LIFE and mankind more deeply, and will cherish this life even more.

672. We know from the mystery of the three elements of the universe (consciousness, structure, and energy): the beautiful futures are not mainly created by hands and feet, but by brain, namely by consciousness.

673. End the ties of the world by yourself, the best way to end the worldly ties is by no-form giving.

674. The most brilliant swordsmanship is no sword, the most brilliant mental cultivation method is no mind, the most profound buddha dharma is no buddha, the greatest ego is no ego.

675. Buddha is nature; nature is Buddha.

676. Should cultivate pure and clean minds in this way, not abide in images, not abide in sounds, smells, tastes, touch, or dharmas, should let the mind abides nowhere. Should no ego form, no human form, no lifespan form, no sentient beings form, no dharma form, no non-dharma form, empty is image, image is empty.

677. The contribution and virtues of no-form giving outweigh the giving of Seven Treasures which as many as the sands in the Ganges River, this return is inconceivable. Should give without abiding in images, give without abiding in sounds, smells, tastes, touch, or dharmas. Bodhisattva should give in this way, without abiding in any forms. All the forms are untruth. Freed from the fetters of forms, that is called buddha. Bodhisattva should not be greedy for contributions and virtues.

678. If anyone says that Buddha Sakyamuni had preached dharma, it is a slander on Buddha, is a sign that does not understand the essence of Buddha’s teachings and does not see the gists of Buddhadharma. All dharmas are Buddhadharma. The true Buddhadharma is no ego, no human, no sentient beings, no lifespan, no dharma.

679. All human dharmas, are like dreams and bubbles, like dew and lightnings, should perceive them like this. All nature dharmas, cannot be described clearly, they come like lightning, go like dreams; not empty not real, no sound no breath, no side no boundary, no method no style; invisible, intangible, and tremendously powerful; can’t be stolen, can’t be hidden, and changing unpredictably; all things are him, he is not everything; conform to him, plain sailing, and thousands of years peace; go against him, bumpy and stricken, and disasters extended to future.

680. Buddha Sakyamuni is not the ancestor of Buddha, only The Greatest Creator is.

681. What the Tathagata speaks is true, real, and factual, is neither deceptive nor odd. The Dharma the Tathagata has attained is not real not empty. Tathagata has physical eyes, beyond spatial limitation eye, wisdom eye, dharma eye, buddha eye. The Thus Come One neither comes nor goes, so he is called Thus Come One .

682. All forms are illusions. If have seen that all forms are not forms, then Tathagata is perceived.

683. All the saints and sages are graded with the amount of non subjective doing.

684. All Dharmas are Buddhadharma, and yet all Dharmas are not Buddhadharma. Buddhadharma has no dharma, it is ever changing. So-called Buddhadharma, is not Buddhadharma.

685. Do not have such a thought that “I should liberate sentient beings”.

686. “Those who perceive me in images, or seek me through sounds, are in evil ways, cannot perceive the Tathagata.”

687. Buddha has no mind, Buddha is nature, let mind abides in nowhere then will perceive the nature, perceived the nature is see the buddha.

688. If not perceive the nature, but seek outwards all the days, one can’t find the buddha. If not perceived the nature, even spoke the twelve classical scriptures, is say demonic words. If not perceived the nature, it is impossible to attain the way of Buddha. If not perceive the natue, by praying to buddha, chanting sutras, holding mantras, giving alms, upholding Silas, hard working, building or reparing temples, making offerings, freeing captive animals, kowtowing, burning joss sticks, one can’t become a buddha.

689. When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara attained the perfect spiritual sense through practicing “let the mind abiding in nowhere”, he realized that all images, feelings, thoughts, behaviours, and cognitions are illusions, and freed from all the sufferings.

690. Image does not differ from emptiness, emptiness does not differ from image, it is the same with feelings, thoughts, behaviours, and cognitions.

691. The nature of all dharmas is empty, not produce, not destroy, not defile, not not clean, not increase, not decrease.

692. In emptiness there is no image; no feeling, thought, behaviour, and cognition; no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind; no image, sound, smell, taste, touch, and dharma; no field of view, and even no field of consciousness; no ignorance and ending of ignorance, no old age and death and ending of old age and death, no suffering, no accumulating, no extinction, no way, no wisdom and no attaining.

693. Relying on the perfect spiritual sense, there is no impediment in mind, and then there is no fear, and far away from the inverse dreams, ultimately attained Nirvana.

694. Relying on the perfect spiritual sense, attained the supreme enlightenment.

695. Go, go, go! Go to the other shore with the pefect spiritual sense; go to the realm of freedom; go to attain enlightenment soon; just go!

696. Life is a journey of LIFE in the human world, what heard and seen during the journey are all illusions; indulging in the illusions is an abyss of misery, while escaping from the illusions is in heaven.

697. Dream is an illusion, but we rarely be bewildered by it; life is an illusion, why do we indulge in it and can’t awake? When we are awaken, our dreams disappear. When our life is at the end, the illusions of life will disappear.

698. Nature has been polluted, who exactly polluted it? Who have polluted the nature more and more seriously? Is it those who possess more wealth harm the nature more? A poor man and a rich man, who pollute the nature more and more seriously? Is it the more who have then hurt the nature more seriously? The more we take from nature, the more we owe nature. The debts must be paid off, who owes who pay, can’t be replaced by others, and others are not allowed to replace.

699. For thousands of years of this mankind, who have been the most unselfish people? They were Jesus, Sakyamuni, Lao Tzu. Therefore, it is right to practice their teachings.

700. The most important thing in life is happy, happy one day be a celestial being one day. What does happy need? Being philosophical and enlightened!

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