Values and Views (701 – 800)

701. All the ways are being unified into one way, all the teachings are being unified into one teaching, the whole world is becoming one big family, the earth is in great harmony, that is the main theme of New Era.

702. The existences of families, states, political parties, and religions are the root causes of the following big crises and problems:
1) Pollution of the Earth’s environment
2) Global polarization between the rich and the poor
3) Unfair and irrational allocation of resources
4) Turmoil in the world and lots of crises for humankind
5) Hardships of the lower-classes
6) A huge waste of human and material resources

703. The world should step forward unification, move toward becoming a global community, it is best to strengthen the role and function of the United Nations continuously, eventually make it a global government.

704. Every citizen on earth should regard himself as a citizen of the earth, not a citizen of a country.

705. The Earth belongs to its earth citizens, earth citizens have the right to migrate and move freely throughout it.

706. When all is unified into the One, everything can benefit from the power of the One:
⦁ Tthe heaven held it and became clear
⦁ The earth held it and became peaceful
⦁ The gods held it and became divine
⦁ The valleys held it and became abundant
⦁ All things held it and became thrive
⦁ Sages hold the One as the world’s model
The whole mankind should have one government, one faith, and one order; Each person should has one goal, one wish, one path to build, and one road to follow throughout the life. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve clearness, peace, divinity, and abundance. More brings disorder and mix causes complication. Only when all thoughts are unified into” do the will of The Greatest Creator”, and all religions are unified into one faith, and the whole world becomes one family, then can”hold the One”. Only “hold the One”, then can we enjoy harmony, peace, auspiciousness, and favorable weathers, and have happy, joyful, free, and blessed lives.

707. Should elect the single persons to be the leaders in all regions, single persons are more selfless and open-minded, and less tied and troubled than those who are in marriage and family. In a word, single person leaders are better than those in marriage and family relations, and are more in line with the interests of the general public.

708. Localism and nationalism are symbols of barbarism and fatuity. No affairs on earth belong to any particular nation or regionalists, rather, they belong to the whole humanity. The administrations of every region should be chosen worldwidely from the most civilized and best talents, instead of from locals or each nation. Only let all the talents not be left out, that the whole world can be united to one, and the toiling multitudes can get freedom and happiness.

709. All affairs on Earth are of all citizens of the Earth, everyone has the power endowed by their Creator to condemn and intervene the affairs in any corner of the world, and the same applies to the affairs of all countries, political parties, religions, nationalities, and organizations.

710. The first one of the universal values is trust in The Greatest Creator, which is the cornerstone of all universal values. Faith has nothing to do with religion.

711. From the first day of 2018, mankind entered the New Era, namely, the Lifechanyuan Era. The symbol of this is that we have prepared a huge theoretical system for mankind to enter the New Era, and obtained successful experiences in practice of resolving all problems. At the same time, the international family has come into being on a legal level. In addition, the number of single people who are unwilling to marry has increased worldwide, the divorce rate has risen dramatically, and entry visas between countries are becoming more and more convenient, all these are significant indicators that the world has entered the New Era.

712. Objective things’ changes will not be transformed by man’s free will. When spring is coming, the mountains cannot stop it. When the earth is frozen, everything looks solid and strong, but when the spring wind blows, snow and ice melt and all the grasses become lively. Families, states, political parties, and religions seem very strong, but will inevitably collapse when the breath of the New Era comes. Nothing on earth is indestructible.

713. New Era people will not be governed by laws or by people, rather will be managed by Tao. The core is walking the way of The Greatest Creator. The core of the way of The Greatest Creator is the way of nature, and the core of the way of nature is the harmonious coexistence between people and people, people and society, and people and nature.

714. The way of people to get along with each other is to make others happy, joyful, free, and blessed.

715. The way of people to get along with society is “all the talents will be put to good use, and the whole world will be one family” and “no one will pocket anything found on the ground, and doors not need to be bolted at night”; share bliss while shoulder misfortune together and coordinate globally to share resources.

716. The way of people to get along with nature is to keep the mountains green, the water clean, the sky blue, the mountains and rivers beautiful, the soil rich, the fish and shrimp are abundant, the wild animals are free from hurt, the poultry and livestock are not abused, the birds sinling and the flowers fragrant everywhere, and the weathers always favorable .

717. In the New Era, implement “The funeral and interment system of Lifechanyuan” for dead people, that the corpse is cremated and the ashes are scattered in nature, such as rivers, lakes, seas, green mountains, and fields. Do not keep tombs, ashes, memorial halls, and any other traces.

718. In the New Era, no one celebrates birthday. Only natural festivals such as Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Water-splashing Festival will be celebrated. The festivals related to gods, Buddhas, celestial beings, people, states, political parties, religions, and the militaries, including Christmas Day, Buddha’s Birthday, and so on, are not celebrated.

719. In the New Era, people no longer exchange gifts or hold celebrations for relocation, promotions, birthdays, or other affairs.

720. In the New Era, churches, temples, mosques, and Taoist temple are no longer built.

721. In the New Era, the interests of all humankind are above those of the local and individuals. Personal and local interests should be subjected to the interests of all humankind.

722. Tapping full potential of talents, make the best use of everything. Let everyone have shelter and job.

723. Sage manages affairs without subjective actions, and preaches the doctrine without subjective words.

724. Do not exalt the wise, so that the people shall not scheme and contend.

725. Do not value obejcts difficult to obtain, so that people shall not steal.

726. Do not show the things of desire, so that people’s hearts shall not be disturbed.

727. Discard wisdom and erudition, discard benevolence and righteousness, discard cunning and profits.

728. Tao operates and manifests naturally, discard all the ethical sermons.

729. Accomplish, and do not claim credit for oneself.

730. Live in harmonious and good place, keep the mind deep and clean, be kind in dealing with people, speaking to others is credible, managing is peaceful and prosperous, handling affairs is capable, acting is at the right time.

731. When gold and jade fill your hall, you cannot keep it forever; be proud with wealth and honor, is to sow the seeds of your own misfortune. Retire when your work is done, is the Tao’s way.

732. Possession is benefit, emptiness is use.

733. Those who value the world as themselves could be entrusted with the government of the world; those who love the world as themselves could be entrusted to take care of the world.

734. He who resonate with Tao, Tao is pleased to embrace him; he who resonatewith virtue, virtue is happy to accept him; he who resonate with lack (ex. lack of Tao and Virtue), lack is glad to admit into him; he who resonate with demon, demon is love to take him in.

735. Good acting leaves no track, good speaking leaves no flaw, good counting needs no counter, good shutting needs no bolt yet cannot be opened, good tying needs no rope yet cannot be untied. Therefor, sage is good at helping men, and there is no deserted person; is good at saving things, and there is nothing useless.

736. The world is divine, it cannot be interfered, cannot be held. He who interferes will fail, he who holds will lose.

737. Eliminate extreme, eliminate extravagance, eliminate excess.

738. The man of superior virtue is not of virtue, hece he has virtue; the man of inferior virtue holds virtues, hence he has no virtue.

739. If have Tao, not perform virtue; if have virtue, not perform benevolence; if have benevolence, not perform righteousness; if have righteousness, not perform courtesy (courtesy refers to discipline rite, laws, regulations).

740. There is no greater misfortune than the lack of contentment; no greater sin than want to possees.

741. When the government is warm and simple, its people are honest and kind; When the government is smart and harsh, its people are crafty and dissatisfied;

742. The Tao of heaven, serves, but does not harms; the way of Sages, works, but does not contend.

743. In the New Era, everyone needs health cultivation to be free from disease to the maximum. Health cultivation mainly cultivates energy cells(Highly concentrated energies in the body or soul, it is the source to maintain vitality), energy flows(Invisible energy flows in the body, namely Qi in traditional chinese culture), spirit, and body. Before health cultivation, need cultivating mind; before mind cultivation, need cultivating virtue; before virtue cultivation, need to enter Tao. Those who are good at health-cultivation cure diseases before their onsets:
⦁ Speaking less nourishes the internal energy flows
⦁ Calming the mind nourishes the spirit
⦁ Mild tastes nourishes the energy flows of blood
⦁ Avoiding anger nourishes energy flows of the lung
⦁ Regularly and moderately eating nourishes the energy flows of stomach
⦁ Thinking less nourishes the energy flows of liver
⦁ Desire less nourishes the energy flows of heart
⦁ Less sexual desire nourishes the energy cells
⦁ To cultivate the body, you should first calm your mind: no turmoil, no annoyance, no fluctuation, no delusion, no lust, no indulgence, keep the spirit peaceful, and get rid of the desires.

744. The body won’t feel light If there is no moderation in food, the spirit won’t be clear if you are in lust, the heart won’t be peaceful if you always think and worry, you cannot open the spiritual sense if the heart is not peaceful, then you cannot attain the Tao with the unopened spiritual sense. It will be exhausted if think too much, be timid if the body is too tired, be weak if the spirit is hurted seriously, will die if the energy flows lost too much. Calm the mind, the spirit is to be full; speaking less, the energy flows are full; Less sexual desire, the energy cells will be full. Meat-eaters are dull, vegans are clear, grain-eaters are wise, and energyeaters are angels.

745. Anger drives energy flows up, joy relaxes the energy flows, sadness lose the energy flows, fear lowers the energy flows, cold restrains the energy flows, hot dissipates the energy flows, shock disturbs the energy flows, working consumes the energy flows, thinking concentrates the energy flows, calm nourishes the energy flows. Watching too long hurts the blood, lying too long hurts the energy flows, sitting too long hurts the flesh, standing too long hurts the bones, walking too long hurts the tendons.

746. Eat moderately, sleep regularly, not overwork. For interior, not tire the heart; for exterior, not tire the body. Be apprehensive and thinking too much injure the spirit, delight makes the spirit lax and not concentrated, worries block the energy flows, be angry makes oneself confused and unclear, fears make the spirit turmoil and not restored.

747. Be plain and simple, then the misery can’t enter, the evil spirit can’t invade. Physical exercises make the flesh healthy, reducing the erotic feelings will preserve the spirit health, cautious words and speaking less maintain the blessings. Do not desire watching the improper sights, listening the ugly and dirty words, enjoying the smells of meat, tasting the harmful foods, scheming the deceitful things.

748. When there is a love, do not love deeply; when there is a hate, do not hate deeply. Talk less, eat less, worry less, sleep less at night. Sleeping too much muddies the head, often be drunk scatters the energy flows, excessive sweating injures the blood, exhaustion of strength harms the meat, driving or riding wildly make the energy flows disordered and the spirit shocked, climbing too high will make you be half dead with fright.

749. Not shocked either by honor or humiliation, the energy flows of liver will keep peace; be humble and graterful in life changes, the energy flows of heart will not be out of control; eat moderately, the energy flows of spleen will not be released; breathe peacefully and talk less, the energy flows of lungs will be preserved; be simple and not crave, the energy flows of kidneys will be sufficient. Eat before you are hungry, and stop before you are full. Overeating hurts the spleen and hungry injures the stomach, be too thirsty hurts the blood and overdrinking harms the energy flows, do not eat or drink too much when you are hungry or thirsty to avoid hurting the heart and lungs by expansion. When sitting and sleeping, avoid the wind against the back side of head, or it will hurt the lifespan.

750. Anger hurts the energy flows, if the energy flows are weak then the illness will invade; thinking too much harms the spirit, when the spirit is tired then the heart is easy to be enslaved. Avoid the extreme joy or sorrow, eat a balanced diet, not be intoxicated at night, especially not get anger in the morning. Do not watch, listen to, speak, and think the bad or evil things. Keep the heart pure and few desires, be plain and empty, make yourself peaceful in life and working, calm the heart and nourish the kidneys, live a restful life.

751. If the energy flows of liver is not consolidated, the eyes will be dizzy and not shining; if the energy flows of lungs is not consolidated, the muscles will be thin and weak; if the energy flows of kidney is not consolidated, the spirit will be less vital; if the energy flows of speen is not consolidated, the teetch will be loose and the hair is falling out. Do not overwork, for that will reduce the energy flows; and cannot not move, stay till will make the blood and energy flows stagnating. Not overworking your body, not draining your energy cells, you can have a longer life. Let your eyes, ears, and heart abide nowhere, then your spirit will maintain perfection, perfection is longevity.

752. Not live in the following eight places: dirty and cluttered places, noisy places, gossipy places, prosperous places, bulged places, gloomy and damp places, not ventilated places, and the places near graves or temples.

753. For those who value their lives, though he is rich and honourable, do not injure his body with over nourishing, though he is poor and lowly, do not tire his body to get more profits. Often disband the desires that the heart will calm itself, always pure the heart that the spirit will be clear automatically. Thinking about the future, overusing the brain, worry, delight, sadness, sorrow, excessive joy and fear, not defused anger, anxiety for wishes, and unbalanced gender relations, all can damage the health.

754. The water has a source, it flows far away; the tree has roots, it is leafy; the house has foundations, its pillars stand upright; human has energy cells, the life is long.

755. The pillow can’t be too high, or the liver shrinks, and can’t too low, or the lungs will shrink. Be in tears indicates the liver is leaking, a running nose indicates the lungs are leaking, excess of saliva in mouth indicates the kidneys are leaking, sweating without cause while awake indicates the heart is leaking, sweating without cause while asleep indicates the small intestine is leaking, drooling while sleeping indicates the brain is leaking, dreaming of intimacy with ghosts indicates the spirit is leaking, lustful people means their bodies are leaking. When the spirit is full, one is not sleepy; when the energy flows are full, one is not hungry; when the energy cells are full, one has no sexual desires.

756. The precautions of a year are not overwork and not be rage; the precaution of a month is not too drunk; the precaution of a day is not overeat; the precaution of a life is can’t often be unhappy. Held the One, be harmonious, never scheme, not worry and thinking too much. Sadness causes tears, pungency result in mucus, indignation and depression make swellings, anger generates ulcers. What the heart desires, then the energy flows follow, nothing can’t be bred. Therefore the great man restrain himself from sadness, pungent foods, indignation, depression and anger.

757. If don’t have sexual life with the opposite sex, will cause the stagnant movement of the energy flows and blood. Hence, those who are incarcerated or celibates are more sickly and short-lived, but indulging in sexual life also damages life. Greasy and thick-fleshed foods smooth the intestines, make the body produces excessive phlegm. Breakfasts should be mild and early, lunches should be rich and full, and dinners should be less. If always do like this, can be healthy to the end of life.

758. Be leisurely and carefree, neither desire nor seek. Arrive here, stop here, create here, and play here. Not hurt kidneys, the energy cells are full; not tire the body, the energy flows are full; let the mind abides nowhere, the spirit is perfect. When the energy cells, energy flows, and the mind are all in perfect conditions, you will become a celestial being naturally.

759. Poverty and lowliness are not disgrace, only when flatter and beg others. Riches and power are not honour, only when benefit the world with these.

760. The fame and fortune which one should not get but got, this blessing will become disaster. Who can endure the hardship and poverty that are hardest to bear, the bitterness will become sweetness.

761. Riches and powers are easy to be the source of disaster, must be loyal, tolerant, humble, and respectful, then can avoid the tribulation. Property and blessings are originally destined, must be frugal and economical, then can last long.

762. We are all born with consciences, if a man lost this conscience, he is near to an animal. What saints and sages teach people is always the right way. If a man deviated from it, he will always walk in the thistles and thorns.

763. There are no fools in the world, how can you deceive others without scruple? All the people in this world are in sufferings, how can you enjoy leisure alone?

764. Rational but wealthy, it will damage his original intention; fool but wealthy, it will increase his faults; it can thus be seen that store up treasures for descendants, it has infinite harms.

765. Though don’t have tough time, even more can’t forget the difficult circumstances. Though this world has something of fluke, should never take a chance on the luck.

766. It is doing evil thing to beat the drum for wrong route.

767. To establish business and achieve merit, everything should be started from the foundations, realites, and essences, even envy the fame and reputation slightly, will take the fals fruit. To teach and cultivate the Tao and Virtue, every thought should be based on the truth, if care for the merits and results a bit, it is in the dust.

768. Keep every mind clear, one can avoid the heavenly punishments; with a pure spirit, one can untie the divine mesh.

769. A merciful mind is the root that nourishes the people and living beings; a bit of integrity to not do the wrong things, is the pillar to support the heaven. Hence, for a noble man neither hurt an insect nor covet a strand, can cultivate the virtues and set up the values for the people.

770. For the success, fame, wealth, and rank, should understand the truth at their disappearance, then the desires will be reduced; for the disaster, suffering, plight, poverty, should find the causes from the start, then the complaint and blame will die out naturally.

771. When the heaven will punish someone, must first offer some tiny blessings to make them arrogant, so do not rejoice when the blessings come, should understand it and know how to deal with it; when the heaven will reward someone, must first give some tiny sufferings to warn them, thus, do not worry about when the sufferings come, should understand it and know how to correct yourself.

772. Fighting in the sparks of flint, how long is the life? Competing on the tentacles of snail, how big the world is?

773. Knowing all the successes will disappear in future, then the heart of pursuing success is no need to be strong; knowing the life will die someday, thus it is not necessary to concern the nourishing too much.

774. When be wealthy and honourable, should understand the sufferings of poor and lowly people; when is young and strong, should think the bitterness of the aged.

775. Not criticize others for small faults, not reveal others’ privacies, not mention other’s past evils, these three principles can cultivate virutes and keep you away from harm.

776. Those who can make others joyful is rich in spirit, who can make others happy is rich in mentality, and who can make others content is rich in material wealth.

777. Pursuing living, will has endless troubles; pursuing the death(*means future of LIFE), will have endless benefits.

778. Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but those who are kind to the needy honor him.

779. Setting up a tent or building a house on the beach in a flurry, is less than ramming the foundations first; seeking the instant success that sow in the barren field quickly, is less than improving the soils firstly.

780. Do not offend the majority for personal tiny benefits, not seek private gains by means of public opinions. Do not compare other’s weakness with your strength, not be jealous of other’s advantages for your shortcomings. Do not rely on your power to bully orphans and widows, not wantonly kill animals to meet your taste. Do not give up your own idea because of the collective doubts, not reject other’s opinions to maintain your own will. Do not see with one eye to avoid be deceived by crooked persons, not be self-willed and driven by anger.

781. Good fortunes cannot be schemed, cultivating the virtues is the root cause to result in fortunes; disasters cannot be escaped from, eliminating the evil seeds is the method.

782. Enjoying excessively originates the disater; abnormal actions is the sign of misfortune.

783. The true man is not in the mind of asking for blessings, but Tao guides him to attain the blessings for his no mind; the evil man avoids the disasters with care and effort, but Tao afflicts him just at where he care and effort.

784. If no guilty deeds in life, you won’t be afraid of the knocking at night; I’d advise you do not conceal for everything, for The Greatest Creator are watching just above your head.

785. To avoid the blow in the light, should not be evil in the unseen places; live in the sludge but be unstained, know about the tricks but never use them.

786. The beauty of the world is the masterpiece of The Greatest Creator, from which we can see the love of The Greatest Creator to humanity.

787. Merits and faults do not offset against each other. No matter how great the merits are, if he has faults, the bitterness he should eat should eat, the sufferings he should bear should bear.

788. Upbringing, self-cultivation, and self-restraint are required courses of life.

789. The Geometry of the Universe tells us that the world we live in is not euclidean, that is, the circles in Euclidean geometry are not circles any more, the parallel lines will intersect or diverge, and the sum of the angles of a triangle is also not 180º.Therefore, nobody should deny the unconventional thoughts with your own knowledges, different thinking methods lead to different cognizance.

790. The wave-particle duality tells us that the mode of motion and the nature of things are related to the consciousness of the observer, different consciousness creates different reality. It can be concluded from this that heaven and hell do exist, just as the rich and poor exist. It can also be concluded that the “800 Values and Views for New Era Human Bings” will bring peace and happiness to mankind.

791. The suggestion of superstring theory seems to bridge the incompatibility between general relativity and quantum theory, the superstring theory suggests that strings are not moving in the three-dimensional space, but in the unthinkable higher dimensional spaces. Our past concepts about spaces are wrong, the space is more than three-dimensional, might be 10 or even 26 dimensions. Paradoxes and contradictions will inevitably have the reconciliation, if we don’t improve our cognitions and hold a “true theory” firmly, then, we can never reconcile the paradoxes and contradictions.

792. The universe is one big life, the vibration of a butterfly’s wings in Alaska could eventually result in a storm in the Cape of Good Hope, so, everyone should not ignore their own little efforts, a cough of someone may cause a vibration in heaven.

793. Why are scientists unable to establish a Unified Field Theory? Because scientists have only recognized the Four Fundamental Interactions: Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong interaction, Weak interaction, but not found the other four forces: the structural force, the repulsive force, the conscious force, and the spiritual force. This shows that there are blind spots in both science and religion. The only way to solve these blind spots is hoondoon theory.

794. When your toe was punctured by a thorn, it will be sensed by the brain immediately. If not, that is not because there is no thorn, but your brain is either too dull, or too slow, or is malfunctioning. The world is about to change greatly, sensitive brains must have perceived this. If has not, then should convert your thinking, and reposition your outlook on life, sense of worth, worldview, and the understanding and awareness of LIFE!

795. When you think you are right, you have already been wrong.

796. There are eight Ways in the Human World: the way of The Greatest Creator, the way of gods, the way of buddha, the way of celestial beings, the way of humans, the way of animals and plants, the way of ghosts, and the way of demons.

797. Without ending your worldly ties, you will transmigrate again; without paying off your debts, you will have to return.

798. If you are unable to find the answers to your confused questions from humanity’s historical experiences and accumulated knowledges, then try to read the nature and society directly.

799. It is said that “the core of truth is in one sentence, while falseness is spread over millions of books”. Actually, one sentence is verbose, the core of truth is only one word: NATURE.

800. The “800 Values and Views for New Era Human Beings” is an open system, as time and space always change, new thoughts, new ideas, and new methods emerge endlessly, hence this 800 Values and Views are subject to constant updating and perfection. With the development of times, that which should be deleted will be deleted, which should be added will be added, shall never follow the beaten track and the old routine or stick to obsolete ideas stubbornly, and shall never impose limitations. While Hoondoon Buddha is in the human world, he will take charge to add and delete; after Hoondoon Buddha passes on, saints of humanity will take charge and continue. No one else may add to it or delete from it because that could compromise its features of Hoondoon.

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