Values and Views (001 – 100)

1. The sunshine and fresh air will come in if open the window, the faraway green mountains will be in sight if take a broad view, learning these values and views will let you have an eternal life, and a superb spiritual sense.

2. Revere The Greatest Creator, revere LIFE, revere the nature, do the will of The Greatest Creator.

3. Let everyone live well, not only the aged, children, widows, widowers, orphans, disabled people, ordinary people, presidents, haves, but also the prisoners in jail, the livestock, fowls, and wild animals.

4. Three quarters of criminals in this world are not born to sins, but forced into crimes by the unhealthy cultures and production and life orders established by mankind.

5. What is the best situation of our lives? In a word, do the will of the Greatest Creator and establish a government that not disobey Natures. The more the government care and interfere, the worse our survival conditions will be.

6. The more laws and regulations, the more problems will arise, especially the stronger the repression on human nature, the stronger the containment to initiative and creativity, it is like bind a man’s hands and feet with many ropes, and then shout to him: Do it quickly! Move fast!

7. Isolation leads to ignorance, backwardness, rigidity, death, it is true not only for a person, but for a nation or a country.

8. The Earth belongs to all humanity, people should be allowed to flow freely throughout the world and not be restricted in the name of country.

9. A global government should be established to coordinate the global affairs.

10. Democracy is the pursuit of mediocrities, philosophy of superman should be implemented, that who take charge have the final say, and should take all the consequences.

11. Realistic problems cannot be solved by historic experiences, only the open and creative thinking can make it.

12. Those who look upon new solutions with traditional values are reactionaries not want to make progress.

13. The judgement of right and wrong should be based upon these four essential criteria: fact, science, logic, and spiritual sense,not the words of the ancients.

14. Vested interests with big contributions are prone to be the greatest obstacles to progress.

15. There is nothing good of weird and odd things; furtive and sneaky things are all bad things.

16. Both the western governing by laws and the oriental ruling by people are not good. By laws is merciless, by men is too complex, the best way is in compliance with Tao.

17. Make things public is the best way to settle disputes.

18. What are bad procedures? All that prevent people from having a bright, joyful, free and happy life, but make them feel anxious, miserable, annoyed, dreaded, and worried.

19. Mankind is facing multiple crises, the central one is the crisis of spirit.

20. None of the things can be bought by money are precious, those money can’t buy are real treasure.

21. Only by teaching can’t achieve the goals, the corresponding procedures are a must.

22. People can be divided into five categories:
1) Instinct driven people
2) Desire driven people
3) Feeling driven people
4) Rational people
5) Spiritual sense driven people

23. Humans have six senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and spiritual sense.

24. In universe, the sum of positive energy and negative energy is Zero, so the gains of everyone is always equal to his pays.

25. Life is a short journey of soul in the Human World.

26. All the teachings and procedures that make people feel bright, joyful, free, and happy are moral, and those hinders them are immoral.

27. There are three kinds of wealth needed for life: Spiritual wealth, Mental wealth, and Material wealth. Spiritual wealth should be pursued first, then comes mental wealth, and last is the material wealth. Life won’t be perfect if lack any of them.

28. The goal of life should be to pursue a bright, joyful, free, and happy life, all of our actions should be oriented around this goal. If we ignore this goal of life, no matter studying for a doctor degree, or marrying to set up a family, establishing a company, whether pursuing a higher position or richer wealth, or cultivating oneself, , are all putting the cart before the horse. Pursue and enjoy the happiness, joy, freedom, and pleasure in the life journey, then love living, love life, love beings, love nature, and feel with gratitude, that is the moral of human beings, and also the main values and meanings of life.

29. The highest level of life is to read widely, have the world in mind, resolve the lingering issues of society, save the critical situation, benefit the people, and build the Earth a paradise that all people will live harmoniously with each other. The highest level of LIFE is to cultivate oneself and liberate the sentient beings, and to be a Celestial People or Buddha in heaven, and attain the supreme enlightenment.

30. The habit easiest to form and to ignore, but be the most harmful to life and LIFE is forget to be grateful for favors received.

31. Those most easily obtained are the most precious. We must be very clear-headed that what comes easily is very precious. We should not think that what we have gained easily is of little value. Rather, that which is most readily available is most precious. We should regard them as favors from The Greatest Creator and we should take this principle as a precious wisdom of life.

32. There are eight secrets of life:
1) More pay, more gain
2) The uglier the soul, the more pain it feels
3) The more perfect the soul, the more beautiful the appearance
4) The more words are spoken, the greater the loss will be
5) The more beautiful the soul, the brighter the future
6) The more possesses , the more trouble they will suffer
7) The stronger the self-center, the further from the way of The Greatest Creator
8) The more willing to pursue shortcuts, the longer the journey

33. There are also eight profound keys of life:
1) Ask for help from The Greatest Creator at a critical moment
2) Say “No!” can avoid disaster
3) Intuition is more reliable than wisdom
4) Capture the first stimulation of information
5) Repent can wipe away your sins or clear up the karma
6) Truth can be obtained through a state of mind abiding in nowhere
7) Empty your mind, then you will be filled with the Holy Spirit and get a marvelous experience
8) One can achieve to communicate with The Greatest Creator directly by ofen reading and understanding the images and things of nature

34. The Greatest Creator is the primary productive force.

35. Live for cheerfulness, joy, freedom, and happiness, but not for “doctrine”, “truth”, state, political party, organization, religion, and family.

36. The eighteen causes of life’s sufferings are:
1) Improper values, incorrect outlook on life, wrong views on LIFE, and false world outlook
2) Selfishness
3) Greed
4) Laziness
5) Jealousy
6) Complaining and grumble
7) Comparing
8) Minds of win, lose, and fight
9) Arrogance and insolence
10) Minds of dependence
11) Infatuated love
12) Possess and occupy
13) Competing for fame or gain
14) Minds of attachment
15) Want to reform and control others
16) Deviate from the laws of nature
17) Violate the laws or disciplines
18) Consciousnesses of marriage, family, nationality, state, political party, religion, and organization.

37. Mankind’s present is made by their past, and individuals’ present is caused by each own past. The law of The Greatest Creator is fair, therefore, stop complaining the heaven, earth, society, others, and government.

38. To create happiness for mankind and individuals, firstly trust in The Greatest Creator, secondly is on one’s own account.

39. The purpose of creation is to please and serve the creator. Human beings created computers, computers are the creations, human beings are the creators, the purpose of the existence of computers is to please and serve human beings. Human beings were created according to the will of The Greatest Creator, Human beings are creations, The Greatest Creator is the Creator, so mankind should please and serve The Greatest Creator.

40. From the gods’ perspective, humans are ignorant; from Buddhas’s perspective, humans are evil; from Celestial People’s perspective, people are short-sighted and stupid; from mankind’s own perspective, people are of both good and evil, and intelligent; from animals’ perspective, people are inconceivable and horrible; from plants’ perspective, people are wonderful and great.

41. Humanity’s sufferings come from humanity themselves. Every individual’s sufferings comes from himself. The functioning of Tao abides by rigorous logics and orders. The fairness and neutrality of The Greatest Creator embody in the functioning of Tao. If we cannot realize this principle, the tribulation will never end, and the vicious cycle will continue forever.

42. The most important thing of life is not to try one’s best to possess as much material wealth as possible but to manage to improve their thinking methods.

43. The three magic keys to achieve carefree lives: firm faith in The Greatest Creator, believing in cause and effect, and putting our best into everything we do.

44. Time and vitality are the diamonds of life, diamonds should be inlaid on the crown, time and vigour should be spent on the place and career that can best embody the value of life.

45. Life is a journey. No matter how many reincarnations we undergo, even if a thousand or ten thousand samsaras in the human world, we still have only one life in the human world if we lost our memory. If we don’t know about our previous lives or the ones to come, what are the relationships and significances between us and the previous lives and the future ones? So, only those who can clearly understand their past and can see their future are living in the light. And only such people can turn tragedy into comedy, enter the realm of freedom from getting out of the realm of destiny, and fully enjoy the dainties and regales during the journey of life, and appreciate the beauty of that journey.

46. This world actually is an illusion, life is also an illusion. The matter is how long the illusion will exist. If we can survive in an illusion for a thousand years, ten thousand years, and even a hundred million years, then the illusion is meaningful.

47. Be people-oriented, not be “doctrine” oriented and system-oriented.

48. Perfect human nature should meet these eight criteria:
1) Revere the Greatest Creator, esteem gods and buddhas, and respect others
2) No minds of win, lose and fight
3) Love nature
4) Modest, trustworthy, and honest
5) Sympathetic and compassionate
6) Be able to adjust yourself and remain peace no matter in prosperity or adversity
7) Conform to the laws of nature and do not seek miracles.
8) Love LIFE and love labor.

49. A life without direction is blindfolded, a life without values is perplexing, the affliction and misfortune of life mainly lie in the lack of direction and values of life.

50. This is the life, either to be a sun, or to be a reflective material, if neither like the sun, nor like a reflective material, then your life is completely in the dark, and finally will be a pile of rotten garbage or a dirty and dark route.

51. Everything is a game, only the soul is true!Reality is a game, people who are obsessed with it are captivated, and those who are happy and joyful in it are awake. Try to own the reality is an idiot’s daydream, only with a game-playing attitude that you will not miss life.

52. Nothing is very important, and nothing is extraordinary in a life, only the LIFE is important enough to be cherished and maintained. Life is finite, yet LIFE is boundless. Everything in life should be centered on LIFE and LIFE is the core theme of human life.

53. The universe is “part in whole and whole in part”, Humans are innately with natures of god, buddha, celestial people, human, animal, and material. Due to the differences in times, environments, family surroundings, educations, and individual efforts, etc. some people achieved splendid and perfect lives, while some make themselves defective, even waste..

54. Great wishes result in great life, the great wish has an incredible effect on life. All have got great achievements are with great wishes. Without great wishes, life is like a duckweed that drift along the stream, it is impossible to climb to the peak of life and LIFE.

55. Man, as long as don’t know what will happen after the death, living, no matter honorable or humble, actually remain in a deathbed struggle.

56. The human body has eight miracle programs. The running of human body is a program, in it was set up eight miracle subprograms:
1) Self-ignition
2) Get rescued
3) Autointoxication
4) Self-healing
5) Supernatural power
6) Go mad
7) Be possessed by the Devil
8) Be in bliss
When the realtive conditions are ready, one of these programs will start up automatically.

57. Life cannot lack faith, life without faith is a contradictory and confusing life, and a life with neither direction nor prospect, and doomed to be a life with tragedy.

58. People who want to benefit others shoul live well themselves first, if want to make sins then firstly live for others.

59. Such a short life decides the direction of LIFE, every word, action, idea, and mind will influence our futures, every minute, second, day, and night, is recording our virtues and sins, what course to follow is fully at our own hands.

60. The most urgent thing in life is how to make our spiritual nonmaterial structure evolve and transform toward heaven, and how to improve our characters and perfect our spiritual senses. None of us know what will happen tomorrow, but one thing is certain, that what LIFE structure we have, then what future LIFE is.

61. A favour is not a debt? You have to sell your pot at urgent moment. In order to not sell the pot, do not owe others.

62. Everyone has infinite potential, the main reason for that it can’t be brought into play is not because they were born stupid or have insufficient IQ, but because they have never found their best life roles from start to the end.

63. One heavy blow can destroy a person, render him incapable of recovery, but the long-term impact of seemingly insignificant small-load energy is exactly the main culprit in destroying life.

64. Looking at the numerous people on the street moving forth and back, we only see two, one is struggling for fame, and the other is pursuing wealth, this is the normality for the majority of human beings. If we are unable to keep a sober mind, but join in the ranks of pursuing fame and wealth, definitely it is putting the cart before the horses and wasting the precious life.

65. Life is short, not do small business, but do big business. Everyone has the capital to do a big business, the capital is – love.

66. Life is a play, no matter long-lived or short-lived, nor whether it gains or loses, succeeds or fails, nothing matters. One play falls, another rises, rising here and subsiding there, prosperity in the human world result in a loss of LIFE in heaven.

67. Everything has already been arranged in advance. Facing the numerous and complicated life issues, we have only one way to deal with them: keep peace to handle all naturally occurring events.

68. Humanity, there is no doubt that have free will, but, none other than this free will that causes the hesitation, annoyances, sufferings, fears, and sadnesses in life.

69. Learn and know yourself is one of the guarantees for a happy. Not learn yourself, not know yourself, there must be a series of troubles and pains in life. People get used to attribute the troubles and pains to circumstances and other people, but never to themselves.

70. Who writes the scripts of life and arranges the tracks of LIFE? It is ourselves. Who is the director? It is the program.

71. The small clever person only cares about present, but the wise one plans for the future.

72. People play all kinds of tricks to hook fish, Satan plays all kinds of tricks to hook people. Fish cannot see the people behind the snares, people cannot see Satan behind his plots.

73. Humanity did not come from evolution, but were created by angels according to the will of the Greatest Creator.

74. There are no wronged people or souls in the world, the reasons are as following:
1) The Greatest Creator is fair and never treats anyone unjustly
2) The functions of Tao is meticulous and accurate, “divine punishments, though slow, are always sure. With big meshes, yet letting nothing slip through”.
3) Cause and effect, punishment and reward, are all precise and strict. “There is no highroad to happiness or misfortune; every man brings them on himself”
4) Reality is the projection of our own consciousness
5) To know the causes in the previous lives, they are what we receive in this life; to know what is the fruit in next life, it is what we are doing.
6) The Law of Attraction tells us: those with the same frequency will resonate with each other, birds of a feather flock together, those with the same ideas are attracted to each other, and those in the same boat will share their weal and woe.
7) All the worlds of the universe are created by minds, and all laws and rules are set by consciousnesses.
8) The sum of negative and positive energy is always zero, the losses and gains remain in balance, win some, lose some, lose some, gain some.

75. Greed blinds out eyes, tricks make heart dark, and self minds hinder the nature.

76. Do not help unless it is asked for, but please do it immediately if it is.

77. Dharmas have no fixed rules, no dharma is dharma. Forms have no fixed forms, no form is form.

78. Change in the not change, not change in the change.

79. Inferior wisdom is struggling, medium wisdom is competing, big wisdom looks like foolishness, supreme wisdom is formless. Solve the contradictions in formless way, dissolve all visible conflicts and contradictions with intangible thinking. Inferior wisdom is busy mapping out restrictions, medium wisdom is occupied with improving the laws and regulations, big wisdom is preoccupied with mental civilization, and supreme wisdom is cultivating easily and freely in the spiritual world.

80. Little changes accumulate gradually, great changes happen in an instant.

81. Harmonious places are free from misfortunes, and disasters lurks in dissonantal places.

82. If the direction is wrong, the faster you walk, the greater your losses will be; if the direction is right, even though encounter setbacks, frost, and severe cold for the time being, it is still the bee line.

83. All theories and viewpoints are only suitable for particular spatiotemporal environments, are only applicable under certain condition(s). When the environments changed, time and space changed, or conditions changed, such theories or viewpoints are not true anymore, cannot be applied blindly and mechanically everwhere.

84. Times is changing, ideas is changing, lifestyles is changing, and the way that husbands and wives get along should also change, only change is the way not change.

85. Happiness always belongs to those who conform to the changing times and circumstances, affliction always visit those who stick to traditions without considering change or fear change

86. Any day might be the last day of one’s life, so one should always try to do the things perfectly in each day, and leave no regrets behind.

87. Thinking methods have eight stairs, from low to high are as below:
1) Material thinking
2) Graphical thinking
3) Associative thinking
4) Psychedelic thinking
5) Visualized thinking
6) Taiji thinking
7) No-phenomenon thinking
8) Hoondoon thinking

88. Wisdoms have five levels, in increasing order are:
1) Physical eye wisdom
2) Extensive eyesight wisdom
3) Wisdom eye wisdom
4) Dharma eye wisdom
5) Buddha eye wisdom

89. Those can be imagined in brains basically exist.

90. There is nothing impossible in universe, if there is impossible that is only because has not been realized by consciousness or transformed by thinking yet.

91. If people are following the Tao, they won’t emphasize virtues. If people embody virtues, they won’t stress the benevolence. If people express benevolence, they won’t value righteousness. If people present righteousness, they won’t demand for courtesy. Attach importance to virtues, because they lack of knowing Tao. Appreciate the benevolence, because they don’t know virtues. Value the righteousness, because they don’t have benevolence. Take the courtesy seriously, because even the righteousness is lost.

92. When our minds embrace all the phenomena of universe, will have sensed the holy spirit, then we govern the phenomena of universe.

93. Mankind has three origins: originated from the pyramid, originated from the Garden of Eden, and originated from the transformation of dragons.

94. Passive, negative, and pessimistic words, moods, and consciousnesses will bring about pain, misfortunes, and disasters. Being alive, should to be positive, active, and optimistic.

95. The bewilderment of one’s self comes from the bewilderment of one’s consciousness. The bewilderment of life results from the disorder of one’s consciousness. Our sufferings mainly derive from the sufferings of our consciousnesses. All our uncertainties are rooted in our indefinite consciousnesses, failure to understand ourselves, and the failure to understand what we really need.

96. Express yourself clearly then the universe will help, if you do not know yourself, the universe can’t help. The Greatest Creator helps those who help themselves; never look forward to help from gods or emperors without your own efforts.

97. The greater the energy, the more invisible it is; the smaller the energy, the more visible it is.

98. The three basic constituents of universe:consciousness, structure, and energy.

99. Everyone should cultivate their own spirit garden well. Clear out the weeds and barnyard grasses in your soul garden, such as jealousy, selfishness, anger, hatred, complaining, comparing, cursing, worrying, anxiety, fear, dishonesty, wickedness, ugliness, lies, sloppiness, hypocrisy, laziness, greed, minds of possession, minds of occupation, minds of win, belligerence, arguing, disputing, etc. Rather, should sow and plant sincerity, kindness, beauty, love, faith, honesty, peace, diligence, bravery, unselfishness, devotion, service, care, tolerance, consideration, compassion, mercy, and other flowers and plants.

100. Feelings, love, and sex are precious gifts bestowed upon us by The Greatest Creator. We should bloom and fully enjoy the pleasures and sweetness of them.

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