Values and Views (401 – 500)

401. The universe is an illusion and its size relates to consciousness; the consciousness is strong, the universe is big; the consciousness is weak, the universe is small. No consciousness, no universe.

402. The universe is the product of the consciousness of the Greatest Creator. The universe did not originate from the Big Bang. Rather, it is Wuji resulted in Taiji, Chaos became Hoondoon.

403. There are eight forces in the universe:
1) Magnetism
2) Gravity
3) The strong force
4) The weak force
5) The structure force
6) The repulsive force
7) The consciousness force
8) The spiritual force
The three elements of universe is: consciousness, structure, energy.

404. There are twenty worlds in the universe, and
1) Human beings live in the XY world
2) So-called ghosts live in the -X-Y world
3) Gods and Buddhas live in the XYZ world
4) Demons and evil spirits live in the -X-Y-Z world
5) The Thousand-year World is in the XY-Z world
6) The Ten-thousand-year World is in the X-Y-Z world
7) The Celestial Islands Continent is in the XYZ world

405. The universe exists for LIVES, and LIVES exist for the universe; if LIVES dies out, the universe will perish; if the universe is dead, LIFE will be extinct.

406. The Solar system is created to serve humans on the Earth.

407. The moon did not come into being naturally, it was created especially for LIVES on earth. Apart from other functions, the moon also serves as a warehouse, mainly to store UFOs.

408. The UFOs that we occasionally spot in the sky are not from the outer space but from the center of the moon, which is a huge warehouse stores many “tools” that Super Celestial Beings once used. UFOs are one of these tools. The moon has a gate which can be opened at any time. Beneath the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, there is a huge “palace”, which Super Celestial Beings use as temporary lodging on earth. When such needs arise, Super Celestial Beings can teleoperate the UFOs within the moon at any time and use them to seek, investigate, and visit earth.

409. The atmosphere is the skin of the earth; the ozone layer is the protector for LIFE on earth; water is the blood of the earth; photosynthesis is the headspring of food for LIFE; symmetry in nature is a mysterious force; the perfect scale is the golden mean; the brain is the miniature of the universe; genes are the sealed books of LIFE; Conditioned reflexes are the protective mechanism of LIFE; the pleasure of sex is not only for propagation; the beauty of nature is the masterpiece of The Greatest Creator.

410. There is a kind of negative universe velocity which surpass the light, that is the speed of counter-matter.

411. Everything in the universe is running in the Tao, the spirits of all LIVES are connected with the spirit of the Greatest Creator, everything and every phenomenon has its own principles and laws to abide by, no matter the orbiting of planets, or the actions of ants and bees, are all under the control of Tao. the universe is ” part in the whole and whole in the part” and a big life, a thought will spread across the universe in an instant.

412. The total energy of the universe is zero, universe maintains its stability around zero-total energy.

413. The meaning of Hoondoon is: The universe is a spiritual unity and one big life, huge it is and no exteriority, small it is and no interiority, every phenomenon and everything interact with the universe is like a cell with the body, nothing is independent of any other things, no phenomenon is independent of any other phenomena.

414. The unity of opposites is only an image of the universe, not the essence of it, The essence of the universe is hoondoon. There are no opposites of such as good and evil, kind and vicious, or beauty and ugliness in hoondoon.

415. The universe can be divided into microcosm and macrocosm, the huge boundless universe is called macrocosm, and those with borders are called microcosms. The macrocosm consists of a vast number of microcosms. The universe in which mankind exists is a microcosm and is called the Earth Universe.

416. All objects within the scope of time, including all the visible and invisible planets, have an origin, a time of birth, and a course of development, the universe is with no exception. Before the universe was born is called Wuji, the state of Wuji is: no exterior and no interior, no large and no small, no border and no limit, no empty and no entity, no time and no space, no matter and no spirit, no color and no light, is clear and is chaos, is the “has” of all and is also the “no” of all.

417. Chaos is a disorderly state, and hoondoon is an orderly one. Chaos was the state before the formation of the universe, while hoondoon is the state afterward. Chaos means mess and disorder, hoondoon means unity and wholeness which can’t be divided. Both chaos and hoondoon are boundless and limitless. There is no heaven, no earth, no borders, no limits, no center, no positive, no negative, and no middle state in Chaos. Hoondoon has Taiji, is the “One” in the unity of opposites, He has opposites and middle state.

418. The law of cause and effect is the principle that maintain a zero sum of positive and negative energies in the universe.

419. It is precisely because the existence of the Natures, that causes the clear-layered, well-structured, multiform, and diversified wonder of LIVES and phenomena. If everything lost their natures, the universe will return to chaos.

420. The material world is the positive universe; the nonmaterial world is the negative universe. All things that non-physical, intangible, invisible, untouchable, inaudible, and cannot be sensed, measured, or perceived, yet influence the material world, are counter-matter of negative universe. The dream world is a demonstration of negative universe (counter-material world).

421. The positions of materials and non-materials and the ranges of their activities are called space. Space can be positive or negative. The counter-matter exists in negative space; material exists in positive space. Positive space is determined by the existence and distribution of material; negative space is determined by the existence and distribution of counter-matter.

422. Space can change an object’s shape and its rules of operation. Space includes natural space and thinking space. In different spaces, LIFE and objects have different rules of operation and states of existence. The changes of space will cause th changes of LIFE in physiological mechanisms, thinking models, and states of survival. One must change their spaces of activity if they want to change themselves.

423. Nature will offer us the corresponding feedback to whatever information we put into it. There are no coincidences in the universe, the occurrences of all phenomena have their corresponding necessary factors. There are no natural phenomena that do not have causes. All necessary factors will inevitably lead to certain results, these are programs and the objective laws, that are not subject to the will of mankind.

424. Space can be compressed, expanded, and dissolved.

425. The passageways connecting the 36 dimensions(spaces) are called space tunnels.

426. Spaces are vitally important to people. A good space can bring people’s capabilities into full play and make them feel relaxed and happy, while a bad space will oppress the natures and tie the talents, reducing them to mentally and physically fatigued as prisoners. Therefore, we should strive to create or enter good spaces and avoid creating or entering bad ones.

427. Time is the recorder of the state of material movement, time is born from movement, without movement, there would be no time.

428. Time has eight characteristics:
1) Time is counter-matter
2) Time is positive or negative
3) Time is particular or universal
4) Time is a variable
5) Time pervades all material space
6) Time is longitudinal or latitudinal
7) Time has different manifestations in different spaces
8) Time can be compressed, expanded, and dissolved

429. Time tunnels are dense time networks which are composed of positive and negative time and are widely distributed throughout the universe.

430. Time changes everything and everything exists within a specific time area. To make an object exist eternally, must make its time exist eternally.

431. There is latitudinal spacetime in the universe, time does not exist in latitudinal spacetime. In latitudinal spacetime, one cannot feel its passage. From the perspective of earth time, several seconds in the latitudinal spacetime could be several decades, even a thousand years, or ten thousand years.

432. The physical bodies of humans are in positive space, and the spiritual entities are in the negative space.

433. To break through the bondage of spacetime, one must think whimsically, unconventionally, and act retroactively.

434. The commonality of the universe is Tao, the core of Tao is The Greatest Creator. Revere The Greatest Creator and walk on the way of The Greatest Creator, is the perfect and harmonious unification of one’s individuality and universal commonality. Only those who have integrated their individuality into the commonality of universe perfectly and harmoniously, have sober minds and bright prospects. If abandon this general principle and general direction, no matter how to cultivate yourself, you cannot secure a bright prospect.

435. Counter-matter is the counter-motion to matter, it does not possess the characteristics the matter has. All matters have the processes of birth, growth, decay, and death, while everything in the counter-material world can miraculously transform in an instant. From the perspective of the ever-existing universe, all matters are transient, illusory, and valueless. To obtain eternal existence, one must break away from the control of time, and to get rid of the shackle of time, one should concentrate the efforts on perfecting the spiritual entity of LIFE. Melons’ pedicels fall when their fruits are ripe, channel forms if water always flow through, once you have made a breakthrough, you will be able to enter latitudinal spacetime as you like, and will enjoy an extreme joy, and be overwhelmed by unparalleled beauty.

436. It is impossible to know the nonmaterial world by means of science, intellect, facts, and logical reasoning. The only way to know it is to make one’s own consciousness enter the nonmaterial world, then watch and observe it, just like a person know the dreams, only by entering the nonmaterial world in person, then can see it. There are two types of nonmaterial worlds, one is seen in a time tunnel, and the other is seen in a space tunnel. The one that seen in a time tunnel is longitudinal and the one that seen in a space tunnel is latitudinal, that is to say, if you want to see your past scenes or future scenes, you must enter the time tunnel to watch, if want to know about other nonmaterial worlds exist at this moment, you must enter a space tunnel.

437. If we cannot see anything in the material world, it means that our naked eyes have problems, might they are covered, closed, or have become blind. If we cannot see anything in the nonmaterial world, it shows that our spiritual eyes have failed, they have been covered, or closed, or have become blind.

438. The sum of positive and negative energy in the universe is always zero. The total score of wins and losses is always zero. Behind the glory of winners are the bitterness and misery of losers hid. Therefore, for the sake of other people’s happiness, we should only take what is need instead of having an insatiable greed for all benefits.

439. Eight dialectics of the universe:
1) Emptiness is forms, forms are emptiness;
2) Extreme brings about opposite, end result in the start;
3) Little makes great, tiny constitutes big;
4) Life and death root in each other; Yin flourishes means Yang declines, and vise versa;
5) Have nothing is have everything, have everything is have nothing;
6) The minds dies, the nature shows, the mind shows, the nature hides;
7) Motion and stillness co-exist, light and dark are interdependent;
8) The positive and negative are symmetrical, proportion constrains.

440. Tao is the consciousness of The Greatest Creator, the blood of the universe, the nature, the synthesis of all rules and laws, and is the general programs that govern the operation, motion, creation, and transformation of everything in the universe.

441. Tao has eight characteristics:
1) Hoondoon
2) Eternally trustable
3) Instantaneous detection, response, and change
4) No interior and no exterior, transcending the time and space
5) Spiritual
6) Fair
7) No sluggishness; immediacy
8) Like an emptiness, yet actual

442. The connotation of everything manifested by Tao is expressed in phenomena. Without phenomena, Tao’s connotation can’t be showed. Phenomena are the embodiment of Tao, but phenomena absolutely are not Tao, just as the cells in our bodies are our embodiment, but they are not us.

443. Tao is in everything, everything is in Tao. Tao is One, the huge universe has only one consciousness, that is consciousness of The Greatest Creator, the consciousness of The Greatest Creator is represented by Tao.

444. The attributes of Tao have no contradictions, if any, that’s not Tao. If one has conflicts with others, then that person has not integrate himself into the Tao; if there are conflicts within a group, then the group are not in the Tao.

445. The operation of Tao begins with minor details, achieves in dribs, and completes in super precision, yet there is no tricks.

446. Zen is a great approach to understand the Tao. Any other approaches can be described by words, Zen only can be perceived with spiritual sense. Once have seen the the principles and activation of Zen, there is no need to accept the education, because heaven, earth, and all phenomena all become “books”. No matter where and when we are, no matter our eyes open or close, no matter we are awake or asleep, we can read heaven, earth, and all the phenomena this big book.

447. There is a thing is eternal: from the infinite past to the infinite future, He has been dedicating consistently and silently, His images are changing at any time, but His nature always remains the same, no matter in the past or the present or the future, as long as we are willing to rely on it, we always can, this is the right place in which we can settle for our LIVES, He is Tao. Tao is the embodiment of the consciousness of The Greatest Creator, is the spirit of The Greatest Creator. Entrusting our LIVES to Tao is entrusting to the consciousness and spirit of The Greatest Creator. In one word, we should entrust our LIVES to The Greatest Creator.

448. Without uses, there is no nature, this is a big mystery. It means that the connotation of nature are expressed by uses, to obtain the nature, one must concentrate his efforts on the uses, without uses, we can’t acquire the nature. Only when our uses are embodied, we can be one with Tao, because the values of everything lies in its uses, without uses, there is no nature.

449. The values of things lie in their uses. The functions and values of Tao are embodied completely in uses. The greater and more the uses are, the greater their values are. All objects in the universe express their values through their uses. As far as human concerned, the more uses one has, or in other words the greater uses they have, the greater values they have, the richer connotation they have, and the longer life of his energy. As for our cultivating, should expand our uses, the more uses we have, the higher level we achieve.

450. The features of Tao is hoondoon, chaos is the semblance of hoondoon, hoondoon is the essence of chaos. The great majority of people see the world as chaos, only a very few can see hoondoon. Why Jesus, Sakyamuni, and Laozi are great, because the world in their eyes is hoondoon, not chaos. The cognition of chaos is narrow, one-sided, partial, linear, and the perception of hoondoon is broad, comprehesive, holistic, and nonlinear.

451. To learn the Tao, one must learn from all things in nature, from the mirror, from kids. To be an embodiment of Tao, one must forget themself and faithfully reflect the truth and facts. The emdodiment of Tao like mirrors, should reflect everything truthfully and timely, when the scenes are ever-changing, you must also changing accordingly, can’t distort the facts, can’t warp the images. One who has no self but faithfully reflects the truth and the facts is the embodiment of Tao.

452. The pursuit of skills is a minor matter, the pursuit of Tao is a great thing, it is easy to get skills but difficult to know Tao. Do not fall into and get stuck in the traps of skills, because skills are endless, the research of skills cannot be completed to the end even in a century of millenia, so, rush directly to the origin – Tao.

453. It is difficult to reach heaven, but more difficult to know oneself; it is difficult to know Tao, but less difficult than to confront oneself truthfully.

454. Neither chickens nor dogs will follow into paradise when one has merged himself into the Tao; neither friends nor relatives can become celestial beings when one get into heaven. Everyone must build and walk his own road.

455. Our cultivation should be concentrated on the perception, pursuit, acquisition, and the practice of Tao, never be keen on exceptional functions, magics, skills, and rituals, should value the connotation rather than appearances and forms. The core of cultivation is to perfect the nonmaterial structure of LIFE rather than to obtain wisdom and exceptional functions. Should concentrate our time and energy on the thinking, on the transformation of consciousness, instead of sitting in meditation and exploiting functions.

456. The perception, pursuit, verification, acquisition, and maintenance of Tao is the road to lift LIFE:
⦁ The perception of Tao is through observing the phenomena in the world, then understand the laws and rules of the universe, the origin of all things and phenomena, the principles of the operation of LIFE, and the secrets and mysteries of the universe, time, space, LIFE, and life.
⦁ The pursuit of Tao is to establish one’s own outlook on the world, LIFE, life, and values, on the basis of the perception of Tao.
⦁ The verification of Tao is validating through one’s practices over and over again, to see whether the outlooks on the world, life, LIFE, and values are correct, and if they conform to the laws and procedures of the transition of Tao.
⦁ The acquisition of Tao means that one has understood the secrets and mysteries of the universe, time and space, and life and LIFE, and has established unshakable correct views on the world, life, LIFE, and values.
⦁ The connotation of maintenance of Tao is: practice according to the correct views on world, life, LIFE, and values that has established, no matter how the world change, no matter what great events happened in the vicinity, no matter in prosperity or adversity, and no matter how great a temptation are in front, stand firm in the faith and beliefs, just like “robust still though assaulted frequently, despite from where the wind comes to attack”, “let the wind and waves arising, sit on the boat steadily”, maintain the state of enlightenment firmly. The teaching of Jesus that “he who stands firm to the end will be saved”, is the centre meaning of the maintenance of Tao.

457. The mark of great virtue, is be one with Tao. Tao, the thing is empty and void. Be void and empty, in it there are images; be void and empty, in it there are things; be vast and deep, in it is essence, the essence is so real, therein is faith. From the antiquity to present, this nature never change, thus can read the origion of all things. How can I know the origion of all? This it is.

458. 10 – 9 = “Tao”. The meanings of Tao is very broad and intricate, in short and brief, it is law, order, and 1. For human beings, the meaning of “10-9” is to cast away the numerous and complicated matters in life, then concentrate all our efforts onto one thing, as long as this one thing was deeply, intensively, thoroughly, and completely done, we can obtain everything from it that we need. That is to say, as long as we stand firmly in the One, it means we have integrated ourselves into the Tao. Undivided attention, whole-hearted devotion, go all out, and work with perseverance are the embodiment of “10 – 9”. As long as “10 – 9”, there is nothing that we cannot achieve, constant dripping water wears away the stones, rubbing ropes cuts off the wooden boards, melons’ pedicels fall when the fruits are ripe, a channel froms when the water always flow through.

459. Who can change the programs of Tao? We should not attempt to do that. What should we do is to escape from the traps of LIFE, those who cannot save themselves cannot save others, so save ourselves firstly, then can save others. Can the poverty offer financial help to others? Noting but a clay Bodhisattva fording the river – hardly able to save oneself. For those who have fallen into a trap should first escape from the thoughts and consciousnesses, as long as you are awake spiritually and have light in the heart, you can escape from the traps of LIFE step by step.

460. The Ultimate Tao cannot be pursued by feelings. Tao and his laws have no feelings, Tao not help you because you were poor and pathetic, neither punish you because you were rich and powerful, the only measure for rewards or punishments is to see whether or not you are following the Tao. If obey him, then will be rewarded, if not, will be punished.

461. The way to become a Celestial Being is: Being free from secular world spiritually while living in the secular society; keeping away from worldly affairs in your mind when have to be involved into; doing your best to complete your duty to free your minds and get rid of ties with others; promoting the quality of your soul while being with ordinary people.

462. Anyone who has achieved a state that be happy, joyful, and free all the time, that is a celestial being.

463. To become a celestial being, one must settle all worldly ties and foster new ones with celestial beings. It is hard to be a celestial being if tied in this world.

464. Let our minds abide nowhere, be free from cares and worries, let what is predestined go and be unrestrained, enjoy and create no matter where we are.

465. The three things that must be finished during the process of transforming from human being to a celestial being or buddha are as following:
⦁ Pay off all your debts and end your worldly ties;
⦁ Giving, and dedicating to accumulate your merits and virtues in heaven;
⦁ Complete and perfect your nonmaterial structure of LIFE.

466. Scholarly honour, official positions, and riches are traps in the way to become a celestial being; glory or shame, favourite or reject, are obstacles to cultivate oneself to be a celestial being. Only with the least amount of selfishness and desire, and indifference to favor and humiliation, one can embark on the road to a becoming celestial being, and this is the starting point of that road. If selfishness is not banished, one must to be immersed in an ordinary life, and if desires are not extinguished, one must to be engulfed by the fire of desires. To become a celestial being, one must decrease their selfishness, reduce their desires, and keep a sober mind in the face of fame, power, and carnal pleasures, should be the master of the world, rather than be its slave.

467. To become a celestial, one must extricate himself from secular pursuits, and move on the reverse way. One word to describe the vulgar world: restless, one word to depict the ordinary world: noisy, and the one word to portray the paradise: serene. The so called extricate from secular world, means keep away from restless and noisy state, return to serenity.

468. What kind of the LIFE structure is, has what kind of LIFE space. Animals scurry on the land, birds soar in the sky, bees buzz among the flowers, flies dash to and fro between the garbage piles, feeling driven people and desire driven people bustle in the families and private ownership society, rational people wander freely in public ownership, the spiritual sense driven people enjoy in the no-ownership environments, and Super Celestial Beings are completely free in their own worlds.

469. One of the secrets of cultivating a celestial being is to create the future and paradise in our consciousnesses, we should visualize ourselves as the celestial beings in our consciousness. What kind of thinking method makes what kind of form of LIFE, If we always envision living in the Thousand-year World day and night, then the structures of our LIVES will evolve toward the Thousand-year World, by the time “melons’ pedicels fall as the fruits are ripe, the channel froms as the water always flow through”, we can enter the Thousand-year World, at that time, others may think that you are dead, but actually you will have departed the human world and enjoy a celestial being’s life in the Thousand-year World.

470. The way of buddism has the theories of “five commandments and ten goodness” and “morality, meditation, wisdom”, etc, the way of Christianity has a theory of original sins and atonement, and the way of secular world has a set of manners and ethics governing human relationships, the theory of Celestial Beings is exposing nature, be free and joy, letting the predestined relationships and destiny go, be broad minded, natural and unrestrained.

471. If we live tiredly, we have strayed from the way of Celestial Beings; while if we are more and more happy and joyful, then we are closer to the Celestial way.

472. A pig want to know the meaning of its living, it must has the thinking of pig breeder. If human want to know the meaning of life, then should possess the thinking of keepers of mankind. Anyone who see the meaning of human life is a celestial being.

473. Want to be a celestial being, strive to seek for the free, spiritual, delicate and pretty space; want to be a celestial, plan the life around emptying, spiritual sense, and quality; want to be a celestial, spread your love to the world; want to be a celestial, contribute more to the new era.

474. Advance from earth to heaven, that is, transfom from human to celestial being, it needs eight realizations, as below:
1) Realize LIFE. LIFE is a nonmaterial structure with spirituality; it undergoes endless transmigrations without annihilation.
2) Realize Life and Death. Life and death is semblance, not essence; life and death is form, not root. “Boundless grasses across the plain come and go with every season; wildfires never quite consume them, they are tall once more in the spring wind”. When the boat reaches the other shore, disembark from the boad.
3) Realize cause and effect. “As a man sows, so he shall reap”; “Divine punishments, though slow, are always sure.”
4) Realize space. There are 20 worlds, 36 dimensions, heaven, and hell in universe. Heaven is set for perfect souls, hell is prepared for defective ones. What kind of LIFE state has what kind of space.
5) Realize predestined relationships. Everything is relationship, getting involed with demons will drop to hell, attaching to celestial beings will reach paradise. If one’s debts are not paid off, then cannot escape from their plights, and if don’t have enough merits and virtue, then cannot reach the paradise.
6) Realize the mind and nature. Reality is a projection of consciousness, consciousness creates reality. When our minds embrace all the phenomena of universe, will have sensed the holy spirit, then we govern the phenomena of universe. All the worlds of the universe are created by minds, and all laws and rules are set by consciousnesses. Fragrances attract butterflies to flowers, pure hearts will be frequented by celestial beings. When minds not abide in anywhere we are Tathagata. Nature is the features of structure, and nature is Buddha.
7) Realize the magical mazes. The universe has 36 magical mazes, they are the sources of games, and full of fun. For example, power, money, fame, gains, froms, and feelings are magical mazes, from which one almost can’t detach themselves once they become entrapped. Only one has acquired supreme enlightenment, can he “jump out of the Three Realms, and not restricted by the Five Powers”.
8) Realize the real look. Everything has its source, the ultimate source is the real look. Consciousness, structure, and energy are the three fundamental elements of the universe, all the others “are as dreams, illusions, bubbles, shadows, as dews and lightnings, thus should you look upon them”. The Origin of Buddhas — The Greatest Creator is the ultimate source of all things, is the real look of universe. Know the Greatest Creator, walk on the way of the Greatest Creator, the eighty-four thousand Buddhist ways are all thoroughfare; If not know the Greatest Creator, not walk on the way of The Greatest Creator, the eighty-four thousand Buddhist ways are all lead to cliffs.

475. How to realize? If one can achieve an integrity with great love through self-cultivating, then he will sense the holy spirit in it, and the big virtues and talents will come out from him. If not make a great wish, it will be difficult to realize the mystery of the universe and be enlightened. If one can embrace the “One” and stand firmly in the “One”, no ego and selfishness, revere The Greatest Creator, revere LIFE, revere nature, and walk on the way of The Greatest Creator, wholeheartedly, and devote your heart and soul to the creation of a new era in which “the talented are put to good use, the whole world is one family”, “no one would pocket anything found on the ground, doors are not bolted at night”, and in which everything is in harmony, the weather is good, everyone live a cheerful, joyful, free, and happy life, then the light in your heart will become brighter and brighter, your consciousness will become clearer and clearer, and you will finally have realized.

476. If conditions are not ready, the program will not start. One cannot ascend to a celestial being if their self-improving and self-refining has not achieved the certain level.

477. Heaven is the general term of Thousand-year World, Ten-thousand-year World, Elysium World and its Celestial Islands Continent.

478. The Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, and the Celestial Islands Continent in Elysium World are not fanciful imaginations. They are a kind of inevitability caused by the law that the sum of positive and negative energies are always zero, just like the existence of Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the outer planets in our solar system is an inevitability, like the existence of our seven apertures, hair, limbs, and other all internal organs, etc, is an inevitability.

479. The Thousand-year World, is a real material planet 960 light years away from the Earth. It is about ten times the size of the Earth, it currently has approximate 200 million human celestial beings. Because the basic life span of celestial being on this planet is about 1,000 years (in relative to Earth time), so it is called the Thousand-year World. It is a world of pure sincerity, kindness, and beauty, a world of love, peace, pleasure, and a world of purified human nature. Undoubtedly, anyone with perfect human nature can go there, there is no limitation on the number there.

480. The Ten-thousand-year World. In the space 3,480 light years far away from the Earth, there is a beautiful planet, it is 16 times the size of the Earth and is surrounded by 16 suns(*each emits different color light) arranged at equal distances. About 100 million celestial beings live there. The basic characteristics of these celestial beings are pretty much the same as those land celestial beings described by Daoism. Their life span is about 35 thousand years (in terms of Earth time), and thus this planet is called the Ten-thousand-year World.

481. The Heaven Elysium World is the general term for the Earth Universe (the universe which the human beings live in is a small univers, and called the Earth universe). The Earth Universe called so is in relation to other universes. The structure of the Earth universe is a Taiji ellipsoid which is called the Law- Rotary Galaxy. Law- Rotary Galaxies contains three thousand (3,000) Rotary-River Galaxies, each Rotary-River Galaxy contains three thousand (3,000) Milky-Way type Galaxies, and each Milky-Way type system contains three thousand (3,000) Solar systems. In other words, the Elysium World is composed of three thousand macro worlds, nine million medium worlds, and twenty-seven billion small worlds.

482. The Celestial Islands Continent is the backyard of The Greatest Creator. It has 80 billion islands, each has the similar size as Earth. Each island has a name. There is only one Super Celestial Being living on each island. Apart from the 30 billion islands that have been used by Super Celestial Beings as their “homestead”, the remaining 50 billion islands are not currently inhabited by any celestial beings. They are waiting for the “people” from the human world, the Thousand-year World, and the Ten-thousand-year World when they succeed in transforming themselves into Super Celestial Beings through self-cultivation and self-refinement to the Super Celestial Being.

483. The Elysium World has ten continents:
1) The Lotus Continent
2) The Borneo Continent
3) The Kasyapa Continent
4) The Yingwu Continent
5) The Amita-Buddha Continent
6) The Celestial Islands Continent
7) The Continent for Three Realms LIVES to Pass Through
8) The Guanghan Continent
9) The Gods Continent
10) The Supreme Enlightenment Continent.
The Celestial Islands Continent is one of the continents of the Elysium World.

484. Super Celestial Beings are the highest level that humans can attain, their base camp is on the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World. Host Yu’e, of Xuefeng Island on Celestial Islands Continent is a Super Celestial Being. Guanshiyin, the revered Bodhisattva of Mercy and Compassion, is a Super Celestial Being. Angels in western culture are Super Celestial Beings. Super Celestial Beings are Buddhas. The difference is that Buddha has certain restraints, while Super Celestial Beings do not. Buddha has responsibilities and Super Celestial Beings do not. The greatest characteristic of Super Celestial Beings is that they can play in whatever way they like. After Buddhahood is attained, there are higher levels awaiting, but after becoming a Super Celestial Being, there are none to pursue. Super Celestial Beings mainly engage in self-entertainment and do not care for affairs in heaven and the human world. Buddha not pursue entertainment and is not obsessed with momentary relaxation, they focus on the acquisition of supreme enligthenment. Super Celestial Beings are the freest, most cheerful, and happiest LIFE in the universe, are the favorites of the Greatest Creator, they do not undertake any responsibilities nor any obligations. Buddhas are the most intelligent and self-disciplined LIFE in the universe. When necessary, Buddha will bear responsibilities and obligations.

485. Heaven belong to happy and joyous people. It is not for those who wear a sad face and be weighed down with care. The longer the time of our happiness and pleasure, the perfecter and more stable the nonmaterial structure of our LIVES are, and the closer to the heaven.

486. To obtain a visa to the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, or the Elysium World, one must give up their ego and enter hoondoon state. The abnegation of ego is neither “sustain justice and extinguish humanly desire” as advocated by Confucianism in China, nor a rivalry against “the realization of individual value” as encouraged by American culture, rather the abnegation of the self means give up your insistence. If you are convinced that your cognition is completely right and immaculate, then you will be correct in every step along your way but finally go wrong, go astray into illusive thinking, and never be able to walk out of the desert of LIFE, and get out of the Cave of Cobwebs of transmigration.

487. Heaven, whether the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, or the Elysium World, especially the Celestial Islands Continent, are all worlds of joy and entertainment. If you are not good at or have no intention of playing, then what will you do to enter heaven through self-improving and self-refining? Do you want to be a police officer in heaven? Let me tell you, there are no polices, lawyers, judges, generals, officers, and supervisors, etc.

488. People who cannot have a colorful dream can hardly enter heaven. As long as we often see green mountains and clear rivers, gentle breeze and bright light, harmonious and peaceful everywhere, and be delightful in the dreams, these are the signs that you will go to the Thousand-year World. If you often dream of wonderful and fantastic scenes, flying, blending into the oppsosite sex in spiritual and physical and has a miraculous wonderful feeling, and do not have any even a little fear or worry, then these are the indications that you can enter the Ten-thousand-year World. If in your dream that you can make yourself invisible, soar freely, transform yourself at will, and make scenes change according to the changes of your own consciousness, then this is the mark that you can get in the Elysium World.

489. To aim for heaven, you must climb over two huge mountains, one is the man-made program, and the other is the “Egypt of the Soul”. The man-made program includes family, nationality, state, religion, political party, the current existing orders and the lifestyle of human society. To enter heaven, you must walk out of these programs. You cannot reach heaven without escaping from these programs. The Egypt of the Soul such as jealousy, comparison, complaining, arrogance, wrath, possessiveness, occupation, enmity, tenets and doctrines, commandments, contention, greed, laziness, and intentional action, etc. If you do not clear away this trash in your soul, you cannot reach heaven. Discard the programs the human beings made, flee from the “Egypt of the Soul”, break your chains, and run to the freedom.

490. How can accumulate wealth in heaven? All of the following.
1) Revere the Greatest Creator, revere LIFE, revere nature, walk on the Way of the Greatest Creator.
2) Unselfishly give and contribute.
3) Dissolve resentment and enmity, bring serenity, peace, and warmth to others and society.
4) Emit good minds, do good deeds.
5) Praise the Greatest Creator, Jesus Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni, celestial being Lao Tzu, and other saints in the history, praise LIFE, life and other people, and praise and protect nature.
6) Give people confidence in life, prompt people to long for beautiful futures, eliminate people’s anxieties, worries, fears, and misgivings.
7) Bloom one’s affectionate and romantic love in ways that do not bring any mental, spiritual, or physical harm or pain to others.
8) Fully exhibit one’s artistic beauty.

491. Heaven does not accept children who are not mature. Heaven do not take in adults neither not like children, nor like children but not mature. Mankind’s traditional lifestyle has hindered human from being ripe. Many people are still immature and cannot become ripe crops, even though they are in their sixties or seventies. This is something worth pondering. Ripe crops are certainly children who have grown up and are mature, if you have never been ripe, then absolutely can’t enter heaven.

492. To enter the Thousand-year World, one must meet the following eight requirements:
1) Revere and firmly believe in the Greatest Creator, and be grateful to the Greatest Creator all along
2) Revere LIFE, revere nature.
3) No minds of jealousy, resentment, belligerence, greed, self-persistence, selfishness, and complaints.
4) Never hinder other people’s happiness or freedom with any pretense or excuse.
5) Good, good minds, good looks, good words, and good behaviours.
6) Honest, practical and realistic, truthful, never deceive, cheat or lie.
7) Diligent, not lazy, keep the living and surrounding environment clean, tidy, beautiful, and harmonious.
8) Trustable, keep words, promises, and agreements.

493. To enter the Celestial Islands Continent, one must achieve the plane of a Super Celestial Being; to achieve the plane of Super Celestial Being, one must possess the LIFE structure of a Super Celestial Being. Self-sufficient is one of the eight characters necessary for the LIFE structure of Super Celestial Beings. Self-sufficient refers to a self-formed complete system, not lack of anything, runs in good coordination and harmony, and can satisfy one’s own needs without relying on anything outside. Self-sufficient is Tathagata, “no ego image, no human image, no sentient beings image, no age image, no dharma image, or no no-dharma image”. Self-sufficient is “empty and void, clear and deep, subtle, male and female, yin and yang, and Taiji.”

494. How can cultivate the character of self-sufficient?
1) Create the phenomena and laws with your mind, namely create reality with consciousness
2) Birth is death, death is birth, glory is disgrace, and disgrace is glory, not care about birth, death, glory, and disgrace; know the male, keep the female, know the glory, keep the humbleness.
3) Empty is forms, forms are empty, let consciousness returns to the state of zero, and soul returns to empty, spirit, delicate and pretty.
4) Everything is but a game, only soul is true, not persist in anything
5) Possess nothing, then can have all things, transcend over the time and space, free as like.
6) Enjoy and please yourself within your own consciousness naturally, no constraint and no restriction, let the predestined relationships and destiny go, be broad minded, natural and unrestrained.
7) Hoondoon, no interior and no exterior, no borders and no boundaries, no rights and no wrongs, no true and no false, no good and no evil.
8) Let the “real” illusive and dreamlike, make the “illusive” feelingful and reasonable.

495. There is neither oppression nor exploitation in heaven, those who want to enter heaven through self-improving and self-refining must achieve the state that not contend, not scramble, not capture, not debate, you can’t oppress or exploit others, you can’t bring unhappiness or unpleasantness to others in any way under any pretense, you can’t restrict others’ freedom in any name, you can’t impose your own ideas and views on others, you can’t cause any spiritual, mental, or physical harm to others.

496. If you have paid off all your debts to earth, have accumulated enough merits and virtues, and have possessed an excellent quality, then you can enter heaven in your next life. If you have eliminated from your consciousness the concepts of families, nationalities, states, political parties, and religions, like freedom without restraint, like happiness and joy, then you can enter the Thousand-year World in your next life. If you often dream of flying freely and can maintain a state of splendid feeling without sexual touch, then you can enter the Ten-thousand-year World in your next life. If you possess the consciousness of Buddha, then you will enter the corresponding Elysium World in your next life. If you revere the Greatest Creator, LIFE, and nature, do the will of the Greatest Creator, and possess supernatural powers, can create a world what you yearn for in nonmaterial world, then you will undoubtedly enter the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World.

497. Three steps to become a Celestial Being:
1) Be free from annoyance, pains, sorrow, worry, and fear, live in cheerfulness, joy, freedom, and happiness, you are a celestial being.
2) The mind abides in nowhere, no cares and obstacles in heart, enjoy the predestined relationships, let the destiny go as it likes, always in a state of joyful, you are a celestial being.
3) No mind, everything is nature and live in nature, flexible, harmonious, and highly sensitive, possess 64 kinds of supernatural powers. The mind abides in nowhere, no cares and obstacles in heart, no ego and no image, ease, free and self-sufficient. Enjoy with the predestined relationship, let the destiny go as it like, integrate the self into Tao, natural, elegant, and unrestrained.

498. Become a Super Celestial Being and enter the Elysium World has reached the peak of LIFE. Man cannot become god and forever cannot become The Greatest Creator.

499. We are always pursuing Tao, actually Tao don’t keep away from us, and don’t discard us. Fish is in the water, and mankind is in the Tao, Tao is in us, Tao surrounds us, Tao is in our everyday lives, Tao is in the variety of all things, Tao is in all the phenomena and changes. Walk on the way of Tao is attained the Tao, let yourself melt into Tao, entrust youself to Tao is attained the Tao.

500. Everything is running in the Tao, all the behaviors of governments is also in the palm of Tao, therefore, don’t complain or get upset or enraged, do what you should do, you plant a flower, that is your business, if the government destroy your flowers, that is their business, and ultimately, Tao gives everyone fair judgements, rewards, and punishments.

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